6 thoughts on “Beware the Asylum: Part III, Page 29

  1. Another tube women! Hope this image will not be as chaste as the others images in the series. Reminds me of a sort post WW II pulp with the rated PG artwork someone like, say Virgil Finley ,(didi he ever do any flat out nudes, say for private commission) There always seems to be arms, legs, bubbles, reflections to cover up the women.
    Your other house artist, Lon Ryden isn’t afraid to show the beauty of the essential human, be it female or more rarely male. Hope he’ll rub off. Enjoying the story -no idea where it’s headed, but a great ride so far!

    • Thanks!

      I should note in fairness to the artists that nudity depicted here is more often a writer’s choice than an artist’s. Rafael Suzarte has drawn explicit nudity as part of comics on this site before, for example here: https://eroticmadscience.com/2018/11/13/more-bubbles-page-9/ . That he doesn’t do it in Beware the Asylum is because the script is written that way, which is my own artistic choice here.

      • In an otherwise realistic story with exacting art it comes off as artificial. But then looking at all the classic pulp artwork, I realized it’s a tribute. It could be slightly tongue in cheek due to the ridiculousness of the strategic placement.
        But for 1975, could have gone full 1970s exploitation movie with the nudity. 😀 😀

        • A tribute to the pulp artists of yore was part of my motivation here.

  2. I wonder, if you mixed the green liquid up right, could you get a mix of the different girls?

    Maybe something more exotic, exciting and special?

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