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PAGE 67 (Four panels)
Panel 1: Claudia sitting alone in the ship’s galley with a cup of coffee, which she is staring at pensively.
CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (1): After a few days’ standoff, Claudia agrees to speak with us, but not with the ship’s crew.
Translation (1): Después de unos días de estancamiento, Claudia acepta hablar con nosotros, pero no con la tripulación del barco.
Panel 2: Closer-in on Claudia.
Claudia (2): The problem is that they’re right. Aside from their two volunteers, I’m the only one they can access in time. There are other women, but they don’t know the right protocols.
Translation (2): El problema es que tienen razón. Aparte de sus dos voluntarias, soy la única con la que pueden contar a tiempo. Hay otras mujeres, pero no conocen los protocolos correctos.
Panel 3: Claudia looking to one side, holding her cup of coffee between her two hands.
Claudia (3): It won’t be other people’s fuckups that anyone will remember. What everyone will remember will be that bitch who wouldn’t play ball and disappointed a very rich man.
Translation (3): Nadie no recordará el fracaso de otras personas. Todos recordarán a una perra que no quiso cooperar y decepcionó a un hombre muy rico.
Panel 4: Claudia looking down into her coffee cup.
Claudia (4): Like it or not, that’s how people will see it.
Translation (4): Nos guste o no, así es como lo verá la gente.
Carnada (Español/Versión de página larga)
Carnada (Español/Versión deslizante)
Really do feel for Claudia. Such a tough and unfair position to be in.