Aprender español LXXVIII: Carnada 082

Aprender español LXXVII: Carnada 081
Aprender español LXXIX: Carnada 083
Se debe estudiar a la bestia de tentáculos.

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PAGE 82 (Three panels, probably the first two across the top)

Panel 1: Closer-in view of the UU Minister, showing part of her at the lectern.

UU Minister (1): But as has been shown by scientific research – including especially that research made possible by the women we commemorate today – we can afford such a retreat into ignorance no longer.

Translation (1): Pero tal como lo ha demostrado la investigación científica, especialmente aquella que hicieron posible las mujeres que conmemoramos hoy, ya no podemos permitirnos vivir en la comodidad de la ignorancia.

Panel 2: Symbolic panel, a human hand reaching out from one side of the panel, tentacle from the other side.

CAPTION – UU Minister speaking (2): The oceanic depths contain things far beyond any of our previous understandings.

Translation (2): Las profundidades oceánicas contienen cosas que superan ampliamente nuestro entendimiento anterior.

Panel 3: View scanning across a group of mourners seated in the audience.

CAPTION – UU Minister speaking (3): The future wellbeing of humanity – perhaps the very future existence of humanity – depends on the advancement of our knowledge.

Translation (3): El bienestar futuro de la humanidad, tal vez la misma existencia futura de la humanidad, depende del progreso de nuestro conocimiento.

  Carnada (Español/Versión de página larga)
Carnada (Español/Versión deslizante)