Auto-Icon Storyboard 003

Auto-Icon Storyboard 002
Auto-Icon Storyboard 004

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The Schoolteacher escorts the group of children through an exhibition hall.

The children stop in front of a replica of Jeremy Bentham’s “Auto-Icon,” which sits in a glass case. The Schoolteacher turns to question them.


Now, children, can anyone tell me who this is?

A few hands go up. The schoolteacher calls one of the students out.




That’s Jeremy Bentham.


Very good, Maria, And can anyone tell us what Mr. Bentham was famous for?

(looks through the group)



He taught that what makes things right is having as much happiness as you can, and as little suffering as you can.


Excellent, Charles! You’ve summarized Mr. Bentham’s doctrine of “utilitarianism.” Now can anyone tell us how this image of Mr. Bentham was made?

There is MURMURING and uncertainty among the students.


Well, as it happens, as a utilitarian, Mr. Bentham thought that it was right to make the very best use of everything we have. When he died, over two hundred years ago, most people who died were just buried in the ground, where they were not much use to anyone and took up valuable land.


Mr. Bentham’s idea was that our dead bodies could continue to be sources of education and inspiration to future generations, just like statues but more real. And so after he died, he had himself preserved and put on display. He called this an “auto-icon.”

There is a chorus of “ews” and “icks” from the assembled schoolchildren.


Now, children, don’t be too upset. What you see here is just a replica. Mr. Bentham’s real “auto-icon” is at University College in London. But…

(grins, perhaps a little wickedly)

…a little later on in this tour we are going to see some real “auto-icons.” They were not made because they were famous writers like Mr. Bentham, but because they were great heroines who did things that make all your lives better and safer today.

This time the chorus of children’s reactions mixes “ews” and “icks” with whistles and exclamations like “cool!”


Let’s move along now.

The Schoolteacher ushers the children into the next gallery.

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.