Auto-Icon Storyboard 004

Auto-Icon Storyboard 003
Auto-Icon Storyboard 005
Dr. Hari ("Harry") Lal takes a phone call in his office.

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A well-appointed executive office in an ultra-modern glass-and steel setting. Harry is big wearing a a white lab-coat over his suit. He is sitting behind his desk and reading something on a screen.

The phone on Harry’s desk RINGS. Harry answers it.


(into phone)

Hari Lal here.


No, Linda. You know I can’t see anybody without an appointment. Did you get his name?

(expression changes to surprise)

Oh, that’s different. Send him right in.

GEORGE ROCKE, tanned, excellently groomed, wearing a jacket over a polo shirt and slacks, enters. George carries himself like a man who expects only good things from life. Harry gets up to greet him.


George! This is an unexpected pleasure. How is the real estate business?

Harry and George shake hands.


The property racket has been good, Harry. Very, very good.

Harry gestures for George to sit down at a small table in another part of his office. They sit.


Not that I ever mind a visit from an old friend and principal investor, George, but…

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.

3 thoughts on “Auto-Icon Storyboard 004

    • Given that his full name is Hari Lal, it’s more likely that he’s of Indian descent.

  1. ” Harry is big wearing a a white lab-coat over his suit.”

    This sentence probably needs a bit of error correction.

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