Приманка 048

Элиза демонстрирует великолепный стриптиз.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 48 (Four panels)

Panel 1: View down the deck. A bunch of men, sailors and science guys, are lined up a few feet from the rail, leaving a path between themselves and the rail for Eliza to walk along. Eliza is emerging up onto deck from a gangway to below decks, just coming into view in the panel.

Panel 2: Same view as in Panel 1, Eliza walking down the deck toward the viewer of the panel, past the lined-up men, still a bit distant from the P.O.V. of the viewer.

Panel 3: Eliza, a bit closer to thew viewer of the Panel, in the act of lifting off her cotton shirt (which, at the discretion of the artist, can read GNOSIS COLLEGE), exposing her breasts. This elicits a reaction of mounting excitement from the men lined up. The lifting-off of Eliza’s shirt shows that she wasn’t wearing any bra.


Translation (1): …бормотание…

Panel 4: Eliza, now quite close to the viewer of the panel, in the act of whipping off her skirt, which reveals that she wasn’t wearing any panties either. The men around her are reacting quite excited by now.


Translation (2): О ДА О ДА БЭБИ ПРЕКРАСНО О ДА!

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Приманка (русский язык/Слайдер-версия)

Auto-Icon Storyboard 076

The SACRIFICE makes her first appearance.

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Terrorist #2 makes a “go” gesture with his right hand. Terrorists #3 -#5 run off leaving Terrorist #2, who takes his radio off his belt.

The Gynophage’s tentacles begin to stir more actively. Terrorist #2 regards it a bit apprehensively while every few seconds verbal reports — all in the same unintelligible foreign language — come through on his radio.

After a final such report, Terrorist #2 speaks briefly in the same unknown language into his radio.

Fred enters the main warehouse space, escorting the SACRIFICE. The Sacrifice is an attractive young woman who wears a catsuit-like garment with a zipper down its front.

Fred is wearing a heavy-looking pack.

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.

Приманка 047

Это судьбоносное событие, и Элиза твердо решила не упустить свой шанс.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 47 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Eliza, in her typical shirt and skirt getup, being interviewed in a cabin aboard the ship.

Eliza (1): Will I really go through with it? Of course I’m going through with it!

Translation (1): Вправду ли я пройду через это? Конечно, да, пройду!

Panel 2: Eliza in another part of the ship, lifting a glass of water to her lips, presumably to help her down the capsule which Hiram, who is standing off to the side and leering slightly, has just given to her.

CAPTION – ELIZA NARRATING (2): This is the ride of a lifetime. I’m not giving up that chance.

Translation (2): Это кульминация всей моей жизни. Я не упущу этот шанс.

Panel 3: Eliza getting an injection from Professor Turpentine.

CAPTION – ELIZA NARRATING (3): I get to be the first woman to tell the world what this experience feels like.

Translation (3): Я стану первой женщиной, которая расскажет об этом миру.

Panel 4: Eliza and Claudia walking down a narrow ship’s corridor. Claudia is explaining something to Eliza.

Claudia (4): Use your inner voice when you’re under, just like we practiced in the tank. The recording drones will be with you, but not too near.

Translation (4): Используй свой внутренний голос, когда будешь под водой – так, как мы отрабатывали в резервуаре. Записывающие роботы будут с тобой, но не слишком близко.

Eliza (5): Got it.

Translation (5): Понятно.

 Приманка (русский язык/Версия с длинной страницей)
Приманка (русский язык/Слайдер-версия)

Auto-Icon Storyboard 075

Luckless security guards gunned down.

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Larry and Maurice are cut down in a hail of automatic gunfire from the terrorists.

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.

Приманка 046

Судьба выбирает Элизу.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 46 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Turpentine has lifted away his right hand and is now looking down at the back of his left, where the coin is now resting.

Panel 2: Eliza and Daphne sitting next to one another, both wide-eyed in anticipation.

Panel 3: Extreme close-up of the coin resting on the back of Turpentine’s hand. It is Lady Liberty-side up.


Translation (1): Статуя Свободы!


Translation (2): Элиза.

Panel 4: Daphne and Eliza leaning over, giving each other a hug.

Daphne (3): Congratulations!

Translation (3): Поздравляю!

Eliza (4): Thank you!

Translation (4): Спасибо!

 Приманка (русский язык/Версия с длинной страницей)
Приманка (русский язык/Слайдер-версия)

Auto-Icon Storyboard 074

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An interior door to the main space bursts open. Two more security guards, LARRY and MAURICE, charge through the door, their pistols drawn.



Freeze motherf….

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.

Приманка 045

Подвесной флип монеты.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 45 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Extreme close-up: view of the front of a 1907 Saint Gaudens double eagle held between Turpentine’s thumb and forefinger. (views of the front and reverse of this famous coin can be found at) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_eagle#/media/File:NNC-US-1907-G$20-Saint_Gaudens_(Roman,_high_relief).jpg (Accessed March 6, 2017)

CAPTION – TURPENTINE NARRATING (1): If Lady Liberty comes up, then Eliza will be our first subject.

Translation (1): Если выпадет статуя Свободы, первой будет Элиза.

Panel 2: Extreme close-up: view of the back of the same coin shown between Turpentine’s thumb and forefinger.

CAPTION – TURPENTINE NARRATING (2): If the eagle comes up, then Daphne will go first, and Eliza will be her backup.

Translation (2): Если выпадет орел, первой пойдет Дафна, а Элиза будет запасным.

Panel 3: Turpentine, having flipped the coin, which can be seen in mid-air just past its arc, in mid turn as it spins (indicate with motion lines.

Panel 4: Turpentine, having caught the coin in his right hand and brought it down on the back of his left (also indicate with motion lines, and an action word, designated below:!)

ACTION WORD (Turpentine’s catching coin) (3): Catch!

Translation (3): Хлоп!

 Приманка (русский язык/Версия с длинной страницей)
Приманка (русский язык/Слайдер-версия)

Auto-Icon storyboard 073

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Terrorists #2 – #5 enter the main space. The Gynophage stirs slightly. Terrorist #2 looks up at the Gynophage, his face a mixture of disgust and awe.

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.

Приманка 044

Момент принятия судьбоносного решения.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 44 (Single panel page)

Single panel: View in the galley of the ship, probably from a high angle as this is likely to be a fairly long, narrow space. Turpentine is prominent. He’s dressed as if for a special occasion, wearing a jacket and a bow tie. Eliza and Daphne are both prominent. Among the other people in the galley should be the other characters we’ve seen so far, including Captain Drummingdale, Hiram, and Claudia. There should be others – various ship’s officers and other scientists, that sort of people. Drummingdale is holding a small coin up for everyone to view.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (1): As the RV Seagoon approaches the island of Motofupo, there is a dramatic moment.

Translation (1): При приближении RV Seagoon к острову Мотофупо возникает драматический момент.

Turpentine (2): All right, people, now comes the moment when we decide. We are going to determine which of our brave volunteers goes first. We shall flip this twenty-dollar gold coin.

Translation (2): Что ж, друзья, настал момент выбора. Мы собираемся определить, кто из наших отважных волонтеров пойдет первым. Подбросим эту двадцатидолларовую золотую монетку.

 Приманка (русский язык/Версия с длинной страницей)
Приманка (русский язык/Слайдер-версия)

Auto-Icon storyboard 072

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An unmarked van backs up to the doors of the warehouse.

Terrorist #1 BUZZES open the door. Four terrorists (TERRORISTS #2 – #5) armed with automatic weapons enter the building at a run.

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.