Köder 001

Ein unheilvoller Sonnenaufgang über der Südsee.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 1 (Four panels)

Panel 1: CAPTAIN IVAN DRUMMINGDALE (“Drummingdale’) stands at the bow of his ship, the RV SEAGOON. Drummingdale is a gaunt, tall, naval-looking man. He wears a short-sleeved white shirt with captain’s epaulets and a seaman’s cap. It is dawn in the tropics. Drummingdale is staring out to sea and speaks without turning around.

Drummingdale (1): You’re up early today, Professor Turpentine.

Translation (1): Sie sind früh auf den Beinen, Professor Turpentine.

Panel 2: Drummingdale stands on the rail next to PROFESSOR EUSTACE TURPENTINE (“Turpentine”). Turpentine is a short, fat man with a white mustache and a white fringe of hair around a head which would otherwise be bald. However in this panel he is wearing a pith helmet and a twin-pocketed shirt. He looks relaxed. Drummingdale, still staring over the rail out to sea, looks anything but.

Turpentine (2): It’s a big day for us, Captain Drummingdale. Our first attempt.

Translation (2): Heute ist ein großer Tag, Käpt’n Drummingdale. Unser erster Versuch.

Drummingdale (3): Oh, aye.

Comment (3): “Aye” is “yes” with an archaic or maritime flavor. To to the extent possible, the translation should reflect this.

Translation (3): Aye, gewiss.

Panel 3: Close-up on Drummingdale’s face. His jaw is clenched.

Drummingdale (4): Can’t say I approve of what you’re going to put those girls through.

Comment (4): “Can’t say” here means “I can’t say.”

Translation (4): Ich kann nicht behaupten, dass ich es gutheiße, was Sie den Mädchen zumuten wollen.

Panel 4: Close-up on Turpentine, though not quite as close up as on Drummingdale in the previous panel. Turpentine’s expression is one of jolly unconcern.

Turpentine (5): They both signed the release, Captain.

Turpentine (5): A “release” in this context is a legal document in which one person agrees not to sue another person for certain damages that might be incurred in an activity both are involved in.

Translation (5): Sie haben beide die Einwillung unterschrieben, Käpt’n.

Turpentine (6): They understand what they’re doing.

Translation (6): Sie wissen, was sie tun.

 Köder (Deutsch/Langseitige Version)
Köder (Deutsch/Dia-Version)

Aprender español XLV: Carnada 044

El momento de una gran decisión.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 44 (Single panel page)

Single panel: View in the galley of the ship, probably from a high angle as this is likely to be a fairly long, narrow space. Turpentine is prominent. He’s dressed as if for a special occasion, wearing a jacket and a bow tie. Eliza and Daphne are both prominent. Among the other people in the galley should be the other characters we’ve seen so far, including Captain Drummingdale, Hiram, and Claudia. There should be others – various ship’s officers and other scientists, that sort of people. Drummingdale is holding a small coin up for everyone to view.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (1): As the RV Seagoon approaches the island of Motofupo, there is a dramatic moment.

Translation (1): Mientras el RV Seagoon se acerca a la isla de Motofupo, ocurre un momento dramático.

Turpentine (2): All right, people, now comes the moment when we decide. We are going to determine which of our brave volunteers goes first. We shall flip this twenty-dollar gold coin.

Translation (2): Muy bien, gente, ha llegado el momento de decidir. Vamos a determinar cuál de nuestras valientes voluntarias va primero. Lanzaremos esta moneda de oro de veinte dólares.

  Carnada (Español/Versión de página larga)
Carnada (Español/Versión deslizante)

Aprender español II: Carnada 001

Un ominoso amanecer sobre los mares del sur.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 1 (Four panels)

Panel 1: CAPTAIN IVAN DRUMMINGDALE (“Drummingdale’) stands at the bow of his ship, the RV SEAGOON. Drummingdale is a gaunt, tall, naval-looking man. He wears a short-sleeved white shirt with captain’s epaulets and a seaman’s cap. It is dawn in the tropics. Drummingdale is staring out to sea and speaks without turning around.

Drummingdale (1): You’re up early today, Professor Turpentine.

Translation (1): Hoy te levantaste temprano, profesor Turpentine.

Panel 2: Drummingdale stands on the rail next to PROFESSOR EUSTACE TURPENTINE (“Turpentine”). Turpentine is a short, fat man with a white mustache and a white fringe of hair around a head which would otherwise be bald. However in this panel he is wearing a pith helmet and a twin-pocketed shirt. He looks relaxed. Drummingdale, still staring over the rail out to sea, looks anything but.

Turpentine (2): It’s a big day for us, Captain Drummingdale. Our first attempt.

Translation (2): Es un día importante para nosotros, capitán Drummingdale. Nuestro primer intento.

Drummingdale (3): Oh, aye.

Comment (3): “Aye” is “yes” with an archaic or maritime flavor. To to the extent possible, the translation should reflect this.

Translation (3): Así es.

Panel 3: Close-up on Drummingdale’s face. His jaw is clenched.

Drummingdale (4): Can’t say I approve of what you’re going to put those girls through.

Comment (4): “Can’t say” here means “I can’t say.”

Translation (4): A decir verdad, no me gusta lo que les vas a hacer pasar a esas chicas.

Panel 4: Close-up on Turpentine, though not quite as close up as on Drummingdale in the previous panel. Turpentine’s expression is one of jolly unconcern.

Turpentine (5): They both signed the release, Captain.

Comment (5): A “release” in this context is a legal document in which one person agrees not to sue another person for certain damages that might be incurred in an activity both are involved in.

Translation (5): Ambas firmaron el descargo de responsabilidad, capitán.

Turpentine (6): They understand what they’re doing.

Translation (6): Entienden lo que están haciendo.

  Carnada (Español/Versión de página larga)
Carnada (Español/Versión deslizante)

Apprendre le français II: Appât Page 1

PAGE 1 (Four panels)

Panel 1: CAPTAIN IVAN DRUMMINGDALE (“Drummingdale’) stands at the bow of his ship, the RV SEAGOON. Drummingdale is a gaunt, tall, naval-looking man. He wears a short-sleeved white shirt with captain’s epaulets and a seaman’s cap. It is dawn in the tropics. Drummingdale is staring out to sea and speaks without turning around.

Drummingdale (1): You’re up early today, Professor Turpentine.

Translation (1): Vous vous êtes levé tôt aujourd’hui, professeur Turpentine.

Panel 2: Drummingdale stands on the rail next to PROFESSOR EUSTACE TURPENTINE (“Turpentine”). Turpentine is a short, fat man with a white mustache and a white fringe of hair around a head which would otherwise be bald. However in this panel he is wearing a pith helmet and a twin-pocketed shirt. He looks relaxed. Drummingdale, still staring over the rail out to sea, looks anything but.

Turpentine (2): It’s a big day for us, Captain Drummingdale. Our first attempt.

Translation (2): C’est un grand jour pour nous, capitaine Drummingdale. Notre première tentative.

Drummingdale (3): Oh, aye.

Comment (3): “Aye” is “yes” with an archaic or maritime flavor. To to the extent possible, the translation should reflect this.

Translation (3): Oh, oui.

Panel 3: Close-up on Drummingdale’s face. His jaw is clenched.

Drummingdale (4): Can’t say I approve of what you’re going to put those girls through.

Comment (4): “Can’t say” here means “I can’t say.”

Translation (4): Je ne peux pas dire que j’approuve ce que vous allez faire subir à ces filles.

Panel 4: Close-up on Turpentine, though not quite as close up as on Drummingdale in the previous panel. Turpentine’s expression is one of jolly unconcern.

Turpentine (5): They both signed the release, Captain.

Comment (5): A “release” in this context is a legal document in which one person agrees not to sue another person for certain damages that might be incurred in an activity both are involved in.

Translation (5): Ils ont tous deux signé la décharge, capitaine.

Turpentine (6): They understand what they’re doing.

Translation (6): Ils comprennent ce qu’ils font.

Appât (Français/Version longue page)
Appât (Français/Version slider)