Pulp Parade #203: Master of Men!

The Spider was one of the most prolific of the pulps, running for 118 issues between October 1933 and December 1943, consisting of pulp novels centered on the single dark-hero figure of Richard Wentworth. It seems appropriate to cover here, for as the Galactic Central Index notes, [m]ost of the novels have a macabre tone that matches that of the horror pulps; many have actual SF/fantasy elements.” A well-suited tonal match for Erotic Mad Science! I don’t intend to cover this pulp comprehensively, but I’ll pick some of my favorite covers for this series. (Completists can refer to the Galactic Central index page to pick their own favorites.) Here is the cover of the first issue, from October 1933.

This is the image from the Galactic Central index page. (Internet searches found possible larger versions, but their links all seem to have died, sadly.) Some pages suggest that the illustrator might be Walter M. Baumhofer (1904-1987).

Pulp Parade #202: Got the drop on her!

This is Spicy Detective Stories for March 1940, this version of the cover found via the Galactic Central Index. It was another one chosen by Lucy Fidelis for a re-creation. Clean version:

And that which reproduces the original magazine cover context:

Creative Commons License
Both works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Please keep in mind that any moral rights the artist has remain intact under this license.

Lucy Fidelis has a professional site here.

Pulp Parade #201: Girl fight!

After March 1937 the quality (if you want to call it that, and I certainly do) of Saucy Movie Tales seems to have tailed off, likely due to the replacement of the great Norman Saunders by someone else considerably less able. So let’s go a bit further afield for our pulp, shall we? Here is the June 1935 cover of Spicy Detective Stories.

I found this version of the cover (one of few) via the Galactic Central Index.

Lucy Fidelis picked this pulp cover for one of her re-creations. Here is her “clean” version:

Two pulp girls in a vicious knife-fight, created by Lucy Fidelis.

And here is her version re-created with the original magazine-cover context:

Creative Commons License
Both works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Please keep in mind that any moral rights the artist has remain intact under this license.

Lucy Fidelis has a professional site here.

Pulp Parade #196: Ha! Missed me!

This is Saucy Movie Tales for November 1936, cover (probably) by Norman Saunders. This rather small original was the only one I could find and is from the Galactic Central index.

Lucy Fidelis has done re-creations of this cover as well. Clean:

And Context:

Creative Commons License
Both works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Please keep in mind that any moral rights the artist has remain intact under this license.