Tumblr favorite #153: Bad robot!

Original post here.

Sourced to Space Ghost Zombie, via mind-effing.

Bonus Image Provenance: I commissioned Bacchus at ErosBlog to research this image further, and he has come up with the following additional details.

A caption in a re-tumble put me onto the name of artist Joe Chiodo (“Chiodo” can also be seen on the robot’s arm):


That led me to this gallery of Joe Chiodo art including your image in higher resolution:



Chiodo has a wikipedia entry:


He also has a web page:


The galleries there do not seem to include your image, but there is a page showing the various books of artwork Chiodo has published:


There is another nice gallery here with more of his work:


There’s a very large gallery of his work here (215 images spread across four pages, navigation in Russian):


Notable for thematic similarity to your image is this robot lobster plucking at a woman’s bikini:


Plus a bonus tube-boy:


Another 7-page gallery of his work is here:


Finally, it’s noteworthy that Joe Choido has done a “Slave Leia” image, which is in the immense private library of Star Wars art owned by John Higashi:


Bacchus is actively taking image research commissions, and if you have adult imagery you’re curious to learn more about, I encourage you to visit Bacchus’s introductory post for his image-searching service, where you can find details about how to commission him.

Tumblr favorite #152: Conjoinment

Original post here.

Sourced to For all your /d/ needs.

Bonus Image Provenance: I commissioned Bacchus at ErosBlog to research this image further, and he has come up with the following additional details.

I have not been able to identify an artist for this image but the earliest appearances I could find on the Internet date to 2010 and 2011.

Let us start (for interest) at the home of the Multiple Breast Galleries:


Among many other interesting things, that page contains links to five pages of something called “the Dunno Gallery”. The fourth gallery (with a 2010 date) contains your image:


These galleries date from 2001 to 2013 and the images in them are a wild mixture of photomanipulations, manga, anime, and computer art of all kinds. I’d say this Dunno character has been collecting for a long time, but it was at first unclear whether he did all (or any) of the image creation or manipulations. Here are several other examples of conjoined (two heads, three breasts) from the Dunno galleries:


Moving on, your image also appears on Gelbooru, showing as uploader (you guessed it!) “TheDunno” in 2011:


The “conjoined” tag there offers access to a considerable variety of art of similar theme:


Seeing “Dunno” associated with this image a second time engaged my suspicions, and sure enough, it turns out this character has a DeviantArt profile:


Here he showcases a great many “conjoined” artworks which he presents as “photomanipulations” and “P’shop drawings”. His album contains many of the same images shown at the “Dunno Galleries”, but does *not* include any of the older, more primitive photoshop works from there. It also doesn’t seem to include your image, so I’m not sure whether it should be attributed to him, or not. I suppose one could ask him…

Finally, I’ll offer one more online gallery where your image appears in company with other “conjoined” artworks:


My reason for including it: this three-breasted, two-headed “goo girl”:


Bacchus is actively taking image research commissions, and if you have adult imagery you’re curious to learn more about, I encourage you to visit Bacchus’s introductory post for his image-searching service, where you can find details about how to commission him.

Tumblr favorite #151: Loving octopus girl

Do go into the water! Original post here.

Sourced to FUCK YEAH MONSTER GIRLS via dmaestro. Original text:


Bonus Image Provenance: I commissioned Bacchus at ErosBlog to research this image further, and he has come up with the following additional details.

This image stream on Tumblr originated here:


Surprisingly for Tumblr, at that location there is a rare “source” attribution to this URL:


That .png is 20 pixels wider than all the tumblr versions, and is the highest-resolution image on the net. With a little exploring of directories, we learn that it’s at the “Monster-Girls Uploader” site:


It’s actually linked from this page, where we can see it was uploaded in 2007:


It’s identified (captioned?) there with these characters: [Editor’s note: unfortunately the characters didn’t survive transmission]

Google translate identifies this as the Japanese word for Dagon, which I’m taking for the image title (lacking any other candidates). The English-language Wikpedia entry for “Dagon” identifies an ancient (~2500 BC) Mesopatomian god of both fish and fertility, sometimes drawn as a mer-man in more modern sources:


The autotranslated Japanese wikipedia entry for Dagon offers us the additional tidbit — likely relevant to this image — that Dagon features in the Cthulu mythos as the founder of a half-fish, half-human deep sea cult. It’s no great leap to imagine that your friendly Dagon-girl is recruiting!


Searching further, I discover your image on Danbooru (uploaded in 2008 or prior) with a tag for the artist name of “ze (sawakihein)”:


That tag is a hyperlink that takes us to several pages of additional artwork with the same nametag:


Notable and potentially of interest among these is a frog girl and tadpole sidekick:


I was unable to develop any English-language information about this artist, but I was able to turn up two similar galleries that substantially overlap the content for this artist at Danbooru:


Bacchus is actively taking image research commissions, and if you have adult imagery you’re curious to learn more about, I encourage you to visit Bacchus’s introductory post for his image-searching service, where you can find details about how to commission him.

Tumblr favorite #144: Chaos in space

As usual, if you’re pretty enough, you don’t need a spacesuit. Original post here.

Bonus Image Provenance: I commissioned Bacchus at ErosBlog to research this image further, and he has come up with the following additional details.

This art is signed “B. Newman”, which is the signature for artist Ben Newman, who maintains an active blog here:


Your image is his avatar photo on his facebook page:


His title for the artwork is “Mishap On The International Space Station”.

According to his blog, he made this image for “Girls and Corpses” magazine:


It is available from the artist as a limited-run print:


A somewhat larger version of the image can be found here:


Bacchus is actively taking image research commissions, and if you have adult imagery you’re curious to learn more about, I encourage you to visit Bacchus’s introductory post for his image-searching service, where you can find details about how to commission him.

A Rule 34 Search: Forced washing

As those of you who are regular readers of ErosBlog should be aware (and those of you who are not regular ErosBlog readers ought to be!) its proprietor Bacchus is now offering a Rule 34 Research Service. “Rule 34” is a grand principle sometimes stated as “if it exists, there is a porn of it.” The philosopher in me cannot help but add a tiny emendation to “exists,” which is to be interpreting it broadly to include mental as well as physical objects, and “there is” means that it can be found somewhere in human culture and, probably, on the Internet. Thus in this sense Sherlock Holmes “exists” even though he is a fictional character. And via Rule 34, we can also conclude that porn of Sherlock Holmes getting it on with Dr. Watson is to be found on the Internet. For that matter, porn of Sherlock Holmes getting it on with Gandalf is also to be found on the Internet. You get the picture. Or if you don’t, there’s always Google image search.

And, for highly specialized subjects for which the touch of a true human expert is needed, there’s Bacchus, who would be Distinguished Professor of Pornography if any such position existed. (Sadly, there is no analog to Rule 34 for academic positions!) Since it happens that I do have some rather specialized interests (have you noticed?), I decided to give Bacchus’s service a whirl.

I proposed to him that he try looking for examples of what might be called “forced washing” as an erotic trope. I had played with this in the “washing machine dream” sequence that appeared in the final chapter of Gnosis Dreamscapes and, as I claim for myself depravity but not originality, was interested to see what else might be out there.

Here is what Bacchus came up with. I have done some light editing to make it more post-like and included some images. I have placed Bacchus’s text in red to distinguish it from me own.

Bacchus’s Rule 34 Report

Hi, thanks for ordering a comprehensive Rule 34 report! You asked for a full treatment on the topic of women being forcibly and mechanically washed (and, inevitably, stimulated as well, if the washing be thorough) in the style depicted in your Gnosis College comic sequence that stars the Lav-O-Matic X5000.

Although I did not find much in the way of fully-developed long-format porn on this topic, it’s a recurring trope in both porn and popular culture, with several nice examples available.

Lav-O-Matic Analogs In The Real World:

Efforts to actually manufacture robotic washing machines for humans have actually been made. Although these devices have fewer moving parts than the Lav-O-Matic X5000 and seem not to be designed for “fully managing” the movements of the washees, that’s perhaps something a creative tinkerer could improve upon!

From history, we have Sanyo’s Ultrasonic Bath human washing machine, as demonstrated at the 1970 Osaka World Expo. It’s deliciously pod-like and includes vigorous automated massage

Sample illustration at the link, click through for more:

In 2004 an updated version of this appears to have been marketed to nursing homes.

You could do a lot with one of these by adding a padlock and navigating the pain/pleasure spectrum by tinkering with the water temperature…

See also this Japanese robotic hair-washing device. I09 calls it “oddly sensuous” and has video:

See also this real vintage hair drying machine.

Moving on to toilets, the notorious Japanese “smart toilets” include seat heat, massage, adjustable water sprays and jets fore and aft, and in some cases, smart-phone apps for control. It seems natural enough that these devices could be (have been) end user modified (bondage fixtures affixed plus vigorous use of massage functions and water jets) and/or hacked for remote control surprises. However, I was unable to find any porn of that (yet).

Lav-O-Matic style Machines In Popular Culture (non-porn)

The ur-story on this that everybody has seen is the Silly Symphonies “Practical Pig” episode where the Big Bad Wolf is captured and bound in a robotic lie-detecting machine. When he lies, the machine scrubs his mouth out with soap, gives him a spanking, and raps his knuckles with a ruler. (The fun starts at 4:50)

A couple of fanciful personal grooming robots (consensual) can be found in these pictures.

There are also two fanciful robotic personal grooming machines (one for men, one for women) and a robotic valet depicted in the 100-year-old postcards shown here.

Example: click through for the full article.

Mechanical/Forcible Washing In Porn

The closest commercial porn to this fetish probably comes out of Water Bondage, a no-longer-updated (and thus very cheap) porn site from Kink.com. Although they never built a fully-automated robotic people washer, they combined bondage and water and some very clever nozzles and sprayers and robotic/mechanical dildos, in a way that approaches the subject fantasy fairly closely. See, e.g. (there are more potential examples on the site) the 4th sample movie clip here. They also built an enormous (but hand-operated) dunk-tank-and-water-wheel bondage machine.

Forcible but not mechanical washing is also a common theme at Water Bondage.

Here are a few isolated washed-by-machine porn links I found, starting with one of your own commissions:

http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1029926?tags=washing (anime image; tentacles of some sort, perhaps controled by her mind, helping woman bathe)
http://mistressdestiny.com/forums/showthread.php?t=342551 (femdom story of a man being treated as laundry by his girlfriend at the laundromat, including being run through a washing machine with her clothes)
http://www.flogmasterstories.com/storybank/nannybot.html (story: woman is spanked and gets her mouth washed out with soap by a robotic nanny)

There’s a treasure trove of machine-washing erotic stories at this site:


They include:

http://www.grometsplaza.net/world/machine/storiesad/carwash.html (story: woman in bondage in automated car wash)
http://www.grometsplaza.net/world/machine/storiesad/carwash2.html (story: different woman, similar carwash setup)
http://www.grometsplaza.net/world/machine/storiesad/catherine_getscleaned.html (story: prototype office cleaning robots thoroughly clean female intruder)
http://www.grometsplaza.net/world/machine/storiesek/janegetslaundered.html (story: powerful robotic laundry system run amok)
http://www.grometsplaza.net/world/machine/storiesek/kellygetswhatshedeserves.html (story: woman sent through industrial washing system by vengeful co-workers)
http://www.grometsplaza.net/world/machine/storiesek/kennel_maidens.html (kennel employee trapped in robotic dog-washing mechanism)

Moving further afield, here are a few isolated bits of forced/bondage girl-washing porn, no robot or complex machine involved:

http://www.erosblog.com/2009/01/04/bathtime-ur-doin-it-rong/ (bound in washing machine)

[Faustus interjects — can’t help including this one because it’s rather cute]

http://www.erosblog.com/2012/11/12/the-cleaning-of-the-queen/ (bondage washing by slave girls)
http://www.bondageblog.com/2011/08/17/power-wash-the-gangbang-girl/ (bondage washing with power brush)
http://www.bondageblog.com/2010/10/13/your-hair-still-smells-like-my-cock/ (girl dunked/washed in garbage can)
http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/888504?tags=cleaning (bondage pussy cleaning)

And here’s a story of a high-tech home pleasure system hacked by adversaries, lots of robotic forced orgasms but no actual washing.

Final bonus link: Do not attempt to wash Mr. Happy Fun Tentacle Monster!

Tumblr favorite #125: Among the tentacles

Moira Weir would approve. Original post here, although if you go there you will be greeted with a stern message that the image “has been removed for violating one or more of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines,” which is evidence that the pornocalypse is coming for Tumblr, a large part of the reason why these images are moving over here in the first place.

Sourced to Octoporn (indeed!) via kennyisaliveinourhearts.

Bonus Image Provenance: I commissioned Bacchus at ErosBlog to research this image further, and he has come up with the following additional details.

This image has “Pinky” for a visible artist’s signature in the lower left. A bit of searching turned up this small gallery of Pinky artwork on ImageFap:


Pinky has a profile on Hentai Foundry with a total of nine artworks shared there:


Your image is titled simply “Tentacles”:


A slightly larger version (532×800, probably just resized upward given the lower resolution at Hentai Foundry) can be found here:


Bacchus is actively taking image research commissions, and if you have adult imagery you’re curious to learn more about, I encourage you to visit Bacchus’s introductory post for his image-searching service, where you can find details about how to commission him.

Tumblr favorite #122: Virtual reality

Original post here.

Sourced to Believe only in Chaos via nuremanko.

Bonus Image Provenance: I commissioned Bacchus at ErosBlog to research this image further, and he has come up with the following additional details.

This image is from a Tumblr stream originating at:


Where it is tagged “WEi-Zi” to match the signature. Artist WEi-Zi is from Wuhan China and appears to make his artistic home on CGhub:


Where this image is identified on page two of his images gallery as #2 in a series called “Girls”:


The direct link to the artwork at 1073×1473 resolution is here:


girls-1 and girls-3 are, respectively, here:


Perhaps due to the “wei zi” string having many other appearances in English transliterations of Chinese material, I was unable to find any other information or pages about this artist.

Bacchus is actively taking image research commissions, and if you have adult imagery you’re curious to learn more about, I encourage you to visit Bacchus’s introductory post for his image-searching service, where you can find details about how to commission him.

Tumblr favorite #121: Ray-gun geisha versus crab monster

There is nothing wrong with this illustration. Absolutely nothing. Original post here.

Sourced to MULTIPASS via nuremanko.

Bonus Image Provenance: I commissioned Bacchus at ErosBlog to research this image further, and he has come up with the following additional details.

his image is from a Tumblr stream originating at:


where the image is tagged “hector gomez”. Upon closer inspection the art itself has a “Hector” signature, confirming the tag.

The image also appears online in this nice gallery of Hector Gomez art:


According to this page where your image is available as a poster, your image is titled “Gunning for Spider”:


Despite what appears to have been a prolific career, I couldn’t find an artist page or bio for Hector Gomez. ComicsVine has listed a bunch of his comic book work, including many Buffy comics:


He also published a number of fantasy art portfolios, such as this one currently available on eBay:


Three more small galleries of Hector Gomez art can be seen here:


Bacchus is actively taking image research commissions, and if you have adult imagery you’re curious to learn more about, I encourage you to visit Bacchus’s introductory post for his image-searching service, where you can find details about how to commission him.

Tumblr favorite #117: Robot-making school

I wish I could go to school wherever this is. Original post here.

Bonus Image Provenance: I commissioned Bacchus at ErosBlog to research this image further, and he has come up with the following additional details.

Your Tumblr image traces back to a Japanese-language site that’s quite unfriendly with popups and login demands, but it is here:


Google Translate renders the accompanying Kanjii (artwork name?) as “Woman’s Robocon Section”. It’s “by Sukabu” and this linked page of self-similar artworks strongly suggests to me that Sukabu is the artist’s name.


Some Googling confirms that Sukabu is an anime artist who does a lot in this style:


A closely-related image to yours (same setting and characters) is here, along with more Sukabu work:


Unfortunately I was not able to find any significant English-language info about this artist.

Bacchus is actively taking image research commissions, and if you have adult imagery you’re curious to learn more about, I encourage you to visit Bacchus’s introductory post for his image-searching service, where you can find details about how to commission him.

Tumblr favorite #112: Beware the mad doctor

Original post here.

Sourced to Space Ghost Zombie.

Bonus Image Provenance: I commissioned Bacchus at ErosBlog to research this image further, and he has come up with the following additional details.

This image appears to be cropped from the poster art of a 1980s horror movie variously known as “Hospital Massacre” or “X-Ray”.

The best version of the poster I could find is here:


Several other posters and much movie info can be found at these two sites:


There’s a nice LaserDisc cover art version of the image here:


Some information about the movie is here:


The movie itself can be viewed on YouTube:


One of the other posters for the movie has a different but equally colorful erotic mad science theme, so I’m linking the best version of it that I could find:


That’s actually from the page of the artist, Tom Chantrell, but the deep link is necessary because the page doesn’t offer the large image in full:


Given the general pulpy similarity with your image of interest, I wonder whether Chantrell may be the artist there too — but cannot confirm. Chantrell was a prolific movie poster artist, credited with the original Star Wars poster among many others:


Bacchus is actively taking image research commissions, and if you have adult imagery you’re curious to learn more about, I encourage you to visit Bacchus’s introductory post for his image-searching service, where you can find details about how to commission him.