Miracle Town

A statue of a nude nymph scandalizes the residents of a small town.  Illustration by Virgil Finlay for William F. Castle's story "Miracle Town."

Another Virgil Finlay illustration for another canny acquisition by the editors of the October 1948 issue of Thrilling Wonder Stories. Their tagline gives a pretty good sense of what is going on. “When a stranger visited Peterville on an atomic holiday, every blessed molecule in the place went amiably insane.” The author of the story is William F. Temple (1914-1989), whom some of you might remember as the author of the woman-duplication story The Four-Sided Triangle, which was made into a 1953 movie by Hammer Studios which I reviewed way back in the early days of Erotic Mad Science. (I also blogged a French-language post for the movie here.)

Don’t worry about our nymph, by the way. In the world of the story she was always a statue, it’s just previously she was draped and now she has suddenly and mysteriously become undraped. And so now our scandalized townspeople are preparing to drape her in the flag, which I personally find very funny.

This issue of Thrilling Wonder Stories is available to read and download at the Internet Archive.