And one of the same different kind

Tube girl of a different kind
Tube girls without the mad science

Following up on yesterday’s theme:

This might be a whole new sub-genre!  Found at the site of a company called Eurotubes, naturally.

This post image and yesterday’s leads to a further reflection on the whole girls-and-tubes meme and its relationship to erotic mad science.  I’m pretty sure that my surface analysis stands.  The “tube girl” illustration was probably primarily created as a getting crap past the radar means of doing implied nudity in pulp art, as well as an interesting variant on ever popular notion of the pretty girl in bondage/pretty girl in peril theme.  But of course the mad science thematics do go beyond that:  in the age in which the pulp art was created the core electronic component was the tube — the vacuum tube.  And of course a core bit of chemical apparatus was also a tube — a test tube.  Any self-respecting mad scientist’s laboratory would doubtless have been full of both kinds of tube.

No wonder I spend so much time on the strange (perhaps dumb) theme.

2 thoughts on “And one of the same different kind

  1. I feel that electonic tube equipment can be a work of art. nothing like seeing rows of vacuum tubes all lit up on a chrome plated chassis accented with polished brass.

    antique test equipment may not be as accurate as the new equipment. pair the EICO 324 RF generator up with a good frequence counter, you can’t beat the stability of a 12AU7 and 12AV7 vacuum tubes.

    • I concur with this view, and would add further that vacuum tubes have an individual aesthetic about them. Even powered down, they bespeak technology. Powered up, they have a soft amber glow and radiate warmth, which is appealing, even comforting in an odd sort of way that mere transistors can’t be.

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