Master Download Page now available

Over the last several months I’ve been putting up posts pointing people to where they can get downloadable versions of the Tales of Gnosis College as they appear.  As the number and location of these downloads has increased (there are now both torrents and direct downloads, and there are now five available chapters), just having posts seemed no longer adequate.  So I have now set up a master downloads page:  Gnosis College Downloads, which points to all currently available torrents and downloads.

This page, in addition to providing the downloads, contains the link for signing up for e-mail updates for when new chapters become available.

Tales of Gnosis College e-mail subscription option

Drop us a line at Gnosis College!A number of readers of the <em>Tales of Gnosis College</em> have expressed an interest in being able to read the comic in a monthly rather than a daily format.  Since I’ve been doing monthly “virtual issue” compilations this is already available for readers:  torrents of individual chapters are available in PDF, CBZ and MOBI formats available as torrents, and recently I’ve also made PDF chapters available for direct download via SendSpace.  As best I can tell, both methods are working well.

I’m always interested in making the reader experience smoother, however, and so I’m now offering an additional option for people who might not be able to visit this blogpage frequently, which is e-mail reminders of the availability of monthly pages.  No need to remember anything or visit anywhere — just let Dr. Faustus do the work of remembering all that.  Just send me a mail at and I’ll add your e-mail to a bcc list that I expect will go out once a month or so.

I promise not to spam or sell the list — mad scientist’s honor.  And of course, I’ll always remove anyone who writes and asks.

The Apsinthion Protocol: Chapter Five, Pinup

Who else could the star of this month be than the extraordinary Laura?

Laura nude pinpu

(Click on the image for larger size. Creative Commons License
Apsinthion Protocol Chapter Five, Pinup written and commissioned by Dr. Faustus of and drawn by Lon Ryden is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)

And that concludes this month’s chapter. Naturally it is available complete in high resolution as torrents. The Comic Book Archive (.cbz) version is here:


And a high-resolution PDF version is here:

And for those of you who would like an e-book version for your Kindles or what-have-you, that is available as a torrent here:

And, in addition, I am of course making a direct, and I hope fast, download of the PDF version available here (click on the image).

Hope you enjoyed all that, and see you for Chapter Six in August!

The Apsinthion Protocol: Chapter Five, Page Thirty-One

Laura is into this, and may well have been so from the beginning.

Erstwhile boyfriend Biff, on the other hand, does not seem so into it.

Laura and Pedro fuck enthusiastically

(Click on the image for larger size. Creative Commons License
Apsinthion Protocol Chapter Five, Page Thirty-One written and commissioned by Dr. Faustus of and drawn by Lon Ryden is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)