Whole _Apsinthion Protocol_ available as e-book

Study Abroad: Chapter One, Page Seven
Study Abroad: Chapter One, Page Eight

The medium-resolution images that made the whole-volume PDF version of The Apsinthion Protocol compiled nicely into a .mobi file, so now you can read it all on your Kindle in only one file.  You can do a speedy, direct download (about 35MB) by clicking on the image below:

And it is also available as a torrent, for those of you who would prefer that.

The current version is black and white only, and is optimized for the Kindle. The program I use to create these versions — Calibre — seems to have a lot of e-book creation functionality, so if you have a different device or would like me to attempt a color version, please feel free to contact me with your request and I’ll be happy to see what I can do for you.