Apprendre le français XII: Appât Page 11

Apprendre le français XI: Appât Page 10
Apprendre le français XIII: Appât Page 12

PAGE 11 (Two panels)

Panel 1: A group of Motofupo people, looking grim, are walking up a gangway onto a ship, guarded by some U.S. Marines.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (1): No historical record discloses what happened nineteen years after the Scelleratini brothers made their movie.

Translation (1): Aucun document historique ne révèle ce qui s’est passé dix-neuf ans après que les frères Scelleratini aient tourné leur film.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (2): During World War II, the Motofupo people were compelled to leave their island.

Translation (2): Pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le peuple Motofupo a été obligé de quitter son île.

Panel 2: A helicopter shot showing a space with quonset huts and the tiny figures of busy Navy personnel scurrying around doing important wartime tasks.

CAPTION – PSUEDO-NARRATION (3): The United States Navy established a base and a field hospital there.

Translation (3): La Marine des États-Unis y a établi une base et un hôpital de campagne.

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