Apprendre le français XXII: Appât Page 25

Apprendre le français XXI: Appât Page 24
Apprendre le français XXIII: Appât Page 26

PAGE 25 (Four panels)

Panel 1: A U.S. Navy corvette cruising by Motofupo.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (1): The Navy searched the waters around the spot of Phoebe Petrobux’s disappearance but could find nothing.

Translation (1): La Marine fouilla les fonds marins là où Phoebe Petrobux avait disparu, mais ne trouva rien.

Panel 2: Barron Sr., looking profoundly aged, is sitting at his ornate desk in his office. He is holding a pen and looking down at a document in the middle of his desk, holding a pen in one hand and about to sign. Over one shoulder a HIGH-PRICED LAWYER is pointing to where on the document he should sign. Barron Jr., now about fourteen years-old, looks on over his father’s other shoulder. We should be able to see Barron Jr.’s Distinguishing Feature.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (2): A bereaved Barron Petrobux set aside a large part of his wealth to create a foundation to study and attempt to capture whatever creature had taken away his daughter.

Translation (2): Endeuillé, Petrobux Barron mit de côté une grande partie de sa fortune pour créer une fondation afin d’étudier et de tenter de capturer la créature qui lui avait enlevé sa fille.

Panel 3: A group of scientists pushing a large unmanned submersible off the back of a small research ship in the waters around Motofupo.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (3): At the next nineteen year-interval, in 2000, a team of scientists attempted to find the creature when it was expected to rise again.

Translation (3): Dix-neuf ans après, en 2000, une équipe de scientifiques tenta de trouver la créature qui était censée apparaitre à nouveau.

Panel 4: Two scientists in white coats staring at a screen in a control panel, inside a cramped research vessel cabin. One is seated, the other looking over the should of the other, taking notes. The seated one is throwing up his hands in frustration.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (4): The results of the scientists’ research were inconclusive and frustrating.

Translation (4): Les résultats de cette recherche ne furent pas concluants.

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