7 thoughts on “Learning from Elders: Chapter 3, Page 14

  1. My money would be on ‘too arrogant’.

    I do wonder why Ms. Mountjoy was already naked while in transit, though. Did she read a rubbing of the erotopylon’s text, or was she just kinky like that? (Hey, the Victorians managed to reproduce, so they couldn’t all have been opposed to sexual experiences.)

    • As the Victorians* might have said, she appears to have gone native, and is flaunting her vulgarities in ways even the most civilised** would scarce do behind closed doors.

      * British subjects of the middle and upper classes, as perceived stereotypically by others.
      ** British subjects of the middle and upper classes, as perceived by themselves.

      • Clearly, they lacked both an imagination and knowledge of what people actually got (and get) up to indoors. Or outdoors. :p

    • Sexual Repression of the Victorian Era was simply they simply hid it behind the visage of their definition of “civilized” and “nobility” and closed it off and pretended it wasn’t there even though it was.

  2. Is that a wallet or a notebook? If it’s a notebook, where’s her pen?

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