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PAGE 63 (Four panels)
Panel 1: Back in the ship’s galley. Turpentine is sitting slumped in his chair, looking dejected.
Turpentine (1): The attempt with the second subject failed due to premature detonation.
Translation (1): El intento con la segunda sujeto de estudio fracasó debido a una detonación prematura.
Turpentine (2): We must learn to accept this as scientists, with quiet dignity and grace…
Translation (2): Debemos aprender a aceptarlo como científicos, con dignidad y gracia…
Panel 2: Hiram, sitting with a scheming grin on his face.
Hiram (3): Actually, Professor, we have not failed yet.
Translation (3): En realidad, profesor, aún no hemos fracasado.
Panel 3: Turpentine, looking in this panel like an idea has suddenly come into his head.
Turpentine (4): We have no more subjects.
Translation (4): Nos quedamos sin sujetos de estudio.
Turpentine (5): Although…
Translation (5): Aunque…
Panel 4: Claudia, looking a bit shocked again.
Claudia (6): Why is everyone looking at me all of a sudden?
Translation (6): ¿Por qué me miran todos de repente?
Carnada (Español/Versión de página larga)
Carnada (Español/Versión deslizante)
Hiram is such a snake
Please! That is unfair to snakes, which are actually pretty straightforward creatures.