3 thoughts on “Learning from Elders: Chapter 4, Page 7

  1. I guess it’s going to take a alot of work for a person from the 19th century to adopt to the 21st century not to mention filling her out what she missed out as well.

    Although probably the most troubling part is her learning that everyone she knew including her friends and family are all dead as if she’s the “One of the Last of her generation” and I’m not so sure how she’ll be able to cope with that.

    • Wait until she hears people gossiped that she dropped out of college to become a “good-time girl”.
      And that her family may have actually come to believe that…

  2. “The very last odf her generation, surely.
    At least she didn’t leave any descendants, so she needn’t worry about the Oedipal complications.
    There was a writer who changed his name to “Ernest Newman” when he took up completely different opinions. Perhaps Millie should change her name to “Newwoman”.

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