4 thoughts on “Learning from Elders: Chapter 4, Page 6

  1. =_= Tone down the Frankenstein vibe and get the lady a glass of water and something to wear, kid. Then dial emergency services and get her checked out, ’cause we don’t have a clue what the longterm effects of this mad science are going to be. Also, she may very well be traumatised.

    • Good plan.

      And when they ask questions like “Who is she?”, “Where does she live?” and “What happened to her?”, make sure they fit you with a straightjacket in your size, because I don’t think they’ll believe she’s spent the past 80 years in a painting.

      • Fair point. Still, unless these guys know anyone else with medical skills…

  2. *ER phlebotomist does a draw*
    “That doesn’t look like blood. Kinda smells like oil paint. It seems to be alizarin crimson!”

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