Aprenda português IX: A Isca 008

Aprenda português VIII: A Isca 007
Aprenda português X: A Isca 009
Una sobreviviente de edad avanzada revela el secreto del ritual obsceno.

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PAGE 8 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Identical panel to Page 4, Panel 2 above, except that one of the young women participating in the ritual of drawing has had a circle drawn around her head. An arrow is additionally drawn pointing to the circle.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (1): In a stroke of amazing luck, researchers were able to find one of the original native women filmed by the Scelleratini brothers and interview her on camera.

Translation (1): Em um lance de absoluta sorte, os pesquisadores conseguiram localizar uma das nativas originalmente filmadas pelos irmãos Scelleratini e a entrevistaram em vídeo.

Panel 2: The girl from Panel 1, now an ancient, withered old woman of about 95 (“The Ancient.”) She is sitting in a simple chair and is dressed in a plain gray cotton dress.

The Ancient (2): Ketiap sembilan belas tahun, sang dewa akan datang dari kedalaman. Jika kami memberikan pengantin untuknya, ia akan memberkati para penduduk dengan kesehatan yang baik dan ikan yang melimpah.

SUBTITLE – TRANSLATING THE ANCIENT (3): Every nineteen years, the god would come from the depths. If we gave him brides, he would bless our people with good health and abundant fish.

Note (3): If the target language is Bahasa Indonesia, a translation of (3) should be omitted.

Translation (3): A cada dezenove anos, o deus emerge das profundezas. Se oferecemos noivas a ele, ele abençoa nosso povo com boa saúde peixes em abundância.

Panel 3: Same as Panel 2, but a slightly different pose.

Unseen Interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (4): Apakah ada gadis yang takut terpilih?

The Ancient (5): Tidak ada yang takut. Kami semua ingin dipilih.

SUBTITLE – TRANSLATING THE UNSEEN INTERVIEWER (6): Were any of the girls afraid of being chosen?

Note (6): If the target language is Bahasa Indonesia, a translation of (6) should be omitted.

Translation (6): Alguma das jovens tinha medo de ser escolhida?

SUBTITLE – TRANSLATING THE ANCIENT (7): No one was afraid. We all wanted to be chosen.

Note (7); If the target language is Bahasa Indonesia, a translation of (7) should be omittted.

Translation (7): Ninguém tinha medo. Todas queríamos ser a escolhida.

Panel 4: Same as Panel 3, but a slightly different pose.

The Ancient (8): Dewa dari kedalaman akan mencintai pengantinnya dengan cinta yang jauh melebihi cinta yang dapat diberikan pria mana pun kepada seorang wanita. Ini membuatnya layak untuk dilakukan, sekalipun sang dewa akan memakanmu.

SUBTITLE – TRANSLATING THE ANCIENT (9): The god of the depths would love his brides with a love far surpassing that which any man could show a woman. That made it worthwhile, even if he would eat you.

Note (9): If the target language is Bahasa Indonesia, a translation of (9) should be omitted.

Translation (9): O deus das profundezas amava suas noivas com um amor que ia muito além do amor que qualquer homem poderia dar a elas. Isto fazia o desafio valer a pena, mesmo sabendo que ele comeria a noiva depois.

  A Isca (Português/Versão em página longa)
A Isca (Português/Versão em carrossel)