Aprenda português XV: A Isca 014

Aprenda português XIV: A Isca 013
Aprenda português XVI: A Isca 015
O desaparecimento de belas enfermeiras foi mantido em segredo pela marinha.

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PAGE 14 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Hazel in interview pose, now slumped backwards.

Hazel (1): And she wasn’t the only one. Two more of us also disappeared in almost exactly the same way.

Translation (1): E ela não foi a única. Outras duas enfermeiras também desapareceram, exatamente da mesma maneira.

Panel 2: A fat folder containing official reports, sealed and with a large stenciled word CLASSIFIED stamped across it.

CAPTION – HAZEL NARRATING (2): The Navy ordered us not to talk about it. They said it would be bad for morale.

Translation (2): A Marinha nos instruiu a não comentarmos os fatos. Disseram que seria ruim para o moral.

CAPTION – HAZEL NARRATING (3): People asked fewer questions about orders back then, you know.

Translation (3): As pessoas raramente questionavam esse tipo de ordem na época, você sabe.

Panel 3: A panel showing the Bride’s dive in the water, as if taken from the Scelleratini film of 1905, a split second after the scene on Page 5, Panel 4 above, such that the Bride has broken the surface of the water, and has submerged down to her waist.

CAPTION – HAZEL NARRATING (4): I tried not to think of it much myself, but in the late 1970s, I think, I saw a film clip of film made by some Italian people of the same place from long, long ago. I think it was on PBS late at night.

Comment (4): “PBS” stands for “Public Broadcasting System,” an American television network funded by a combination of government, corporate, and listener contributions. It has a focus on education and high-culture television and is not sponsored by advertisers like most of the rest of American broadcast television.

Translation (4): CAPTION – HAZEL NARRATING (4): Eu tentei não pensar muito sobre isto, mas no final dos anos 1970, eu acho, vi um videoclipe feito por uns italianos no mesmo local, há muito, muito tempo. Acho que foi na PBS, de madrugada.

Panel 4: A panel showing a front page of the Dallas Morning News for Tuesday, October 6, 1981. A large part of the front page would be a posed formal picture of PHOEBE PETROBUX (a very pretty and probably blond teenager, who we’ll see more of below) under the headline TEXAS TEEN STILL MISSING IN SOUTH PACIFIC. (Possible filler headlines, taken from real world history for that day that could be included for verisimilitude, could be RAOUL WALLERBERG MADE HONORARY U.S. CITIZEN and REVEREND SUN MYUNG MOON INDICTED FOR TAX EVASION).

CAPTION – HAZEL NARRATING (5): And then we all read that terrible story about the poor girl from Texas.

Translation (5): Depois todos lemos a terrível história daquela pobre garota do Texas.

  A Isca (Português/Versão em página longa)
A Isca (Português/Versão em carrossel)