Aprenda português XVI: A Isca 015

Aprenda português XV: A Isca 014
Aprenda português XVII: A Isca 016
Barron Petrobux tinha uma bela esposa e um filha, e mais dinheiro do que poderia desejar.

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PAGE 15 (Two panels)

Panel 1: A family picture of the Petrobuxs, Texas oil billionaires, taken around 1980. At the center are BARRON PETROBUX SR. (“Barron Sr.”), and his wife PEONY. Barron Sr. is a corpulent man in a cowboy hat, cowboy boots, string tie with a diamond slider. Peony is a woman dressed in overly expensive clothes for the period, clearly once very beautiful and now someone who spends time fighting oncoming middle age and it shows. Flanking them are the Petrobux daughter Phoebe, a beautiful and well-developed girl of about 16 in this photograph, smiling brilliantly, and BARRON JR., a somewhat sullen-looking boy about ten years old in this picture who is holding his most-prized possession, a high-end Super 8 movie camera (camcorders not being commercially available before 1984). Barron Jr. should have a Distinctive Feature that will enable us to identify him as the same person at later ages than he is in this photograph. What it is can be up to the artist, but should be reasonably recognizable: a scar, a cowlick that won’t go away, a droopy eyelid, something like that. There should be labels indicating the names of the four people in the photograph.

CAPTION – PSUEDO-NARRATION (1): In 1981, Barron Petrobux Sr. was a Texas oil and real-estate billionaire and an important figure in state and national Republican party politics. He had a famously beautiful wife, Peony and daughter, Phoebe, and a young son passionately interested in making movies, Barron Jr.

Translation (1): CAPTION – PSUEDO-NARRATION (1): Em 1981, Barron Petrobux era um bilionário da indústria petroleira do Texas e uma figura importante na política estadual e nacional pelo Partido Republicano. Ele tinha uma linda esposa, Peony, e uma filha, Phoebe, além de um filho apaixonado por cinema e filmagens, Barron Jr.

Panel 2: A view of the Yellow Rose, the Petrobux family yacht, a big, expensive, tastelessly well-appointed vessel, traveling through the sea.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (2): Petrobux was also the proud owner of one of the largest private yachts in the world at the time.

Translation (2): CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (2): Petrobux também era o orgulhoso proprietário de um dos maiores iates privativos do mundo na época.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (3): The beautiful waters and beaches around Motofupo had been declared a restricted zone by the U.S. Navy, but exceptions to the restrictions would be made for a man of Petrobux’s political influence.

Translation (3): CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (3): As lindas águas e praias do litoral de Motofupo foram declaradas zonas restritas pela marinha dos EUA, mas abriam-se exceções à ordem para homens com a influência política de Petrobux.

  A Isca (Português/Versão em página longa)
A Isca (Português/Versão em carrossel)