Dirty-minded little aliens

Little critters of the Black Lagoon
"I'll show you, feeble old man..."
Little aliens spy on a would-be skinny-dipping woman on Mel Hunter's cover of If: World of Science Fiction for April 1957.

What an unfortunate interruption to an episode of skinny-dipping on an alien planet, painted by Mel Hunter (1927-2004) for the April 1957 cover of If: Worlds of Science Fiction. Alien pervs seem to have been a thing with old Mel, as suggested by the earlier illustration to the right, also done by him (source: Wikipedia).

This issue of If: Worlds of Science Fiction is available to read and download at the Internet Archive.

2 thoughts on “Dirty-minded little aliens

  1. Oh these are just fantastic, especially the first one with the adventurous skinny dipper. The mind can really wonder what’ll happen next. And dunno about anyone else, but those little guys look a bit hungry to me…

  2. The second one reminds me of Barbarella.
    And that Kylie Minogue video that referenced Barbarella.
    Fond memories… ^_^

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