Impariamo l’italiano I: Esca 000

Una bella fanciulla è attratta dal suo destino nelle profondità.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

COVER: Same Fabulae Atroces Fausti logo as appeared on “She’s the Ransom,” over another bit of neo-pulp, in this case a young woman swimmer in a 1940s-style swimsuit and hairstyle being menaced underwater by tentacles coming up from the deep. There some be if feasible some bubbles to emphasize the underwater.

CAPTION (title) (1): “Bait”

Translation (1): “Esca”

CAPTION (author) (2): Written and produced by Iago Faustus

Comment (2): “Produced” in this context means that Faustus paid an artist’s commission to Erosarts for his services in doing the illustration and also arranged for the publication of the webcomic.

Translation (2): Scritto e prodotto da Iago Faustus

CAPTION (artist) (3): Illustrated by Erosarts

Translation (3): Illustrazioni di Erosarts

  Esca (Italiano/Versione a pagina lunga)
Esca (Italiano/Versione con slider)

Gel Girl Pamela Rei Genesis VI

Reaction to Pamela's rather exhibitionist display is mixed.

Audience reaction to Pamela’s unashamed self-display is rather mixed.

The overall action in this illustration series is described in a fragment of draft screenplay, which you are welcome to download if you are interested in such things. This image is available in a much larger size. Right-click to download.

ICUdhara has a DeviantArt site here, and you can also support the artist on Patreon, as I do.

Kindly do not alter or republish this art without our permission.

Aprenda português LXXXVIII: A Isca 097-100

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 97 (Three panels)

Panel 1: Underwater robot removing the cuff from the Creature’s feeding siphon.

CAPTION (1): And so, within a few days…

Translation (1): Então, alguns dias mais tarde…

Panel 2: Chiba standing naked on a diving platform over the tank.

Panel 3: Chiba in mid-air in her dive into the tank, just about to break the surface of the water.

PAGE 98 (Single panel montage, color)

Single panel montage: At artist’s montage of Chiba becoming progressively tentacle sexed-up.

PAGE 99 (Single panel montage, color)

Single panel montage: Artist’s discretion showing Chiba going down the Creature’s feeding siphon.

PAGE 100 (Two panels)

Panel 1: A larger panel comprising most of the page. A man sitting on a simple chain on the floor of the Marine Institute, watching the very special show. He is wearing a suit, and we can see through his suit pants that he has a massive erection.

Panel 2: Smaller, inset, showing light on the face of the man, who we can now see (due to the prominence of his Distinguishing Feature) is Barron Petrobux, Jr. The face shows a blissed-out expression.

CAPTION (1): The end.

Translation (1): CAPTION (1): Fim.

  A Isca (Português/Versão em página longa)
A Isca (Português/Versão em carrossel)

Gel Girl Pamela Rei Genesis V

Pamela strips naked in front of the audience of doctors in preparation for her turn in the transformation device.

Preparation for her turn in the machine.

The overall action in this illustration series is described in a fragment of draft screenplay, which you are welcome to download if you are interested in such things. This image is available in a much larger size. Right-click to download.

ICUdhara has a DeviantArt site here, and you can also support the artist on Patreon, as I do.

Kindly do not alter or republish this art without our permission.

Aprenda português LXXXVII: A Isca 096

Inevitavelmente, sua oferta bizarra se concretiza.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 96 (Two panels)

Panel 1: Chiba and three other Japanese aquarium girls (GIRL #1, GIRL #2, and GIRL #3) are sitting around a table eating lunch. Chiba is reading a letter.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (1): A few days later, Chiba receives a special-delivery letter.

Translation (1): CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (1): Alguns dias mais tarde, Chiba recebe uma carta especial.

Chiba (2): 手紙には、とても裕福な寄付者が、観客1人の一度限りのとても特別なショーのお返しとして、海事センターに新館を提供すると書かれています。

Girl #1 (3): チバ、本当にはいと返事するつもりですか?

SUBTITLE – CHIBA (4): The letter says that a very wealthy donor will give the Marine Center a new wing in return for a very special, one-time-only show with an audience of one.

Translation (4): A carta diz que um doador muito rico construirá uma nova ala no Núcleo Marítimo em troca de um show muito especial, uma única apresentação, para um público de apenas uma pessoa.

SUBTITLE – GIRL #1 (5): Chiba, are you really going to say yes?

Translation (5): Chiba, você realmente vai aceitar?

Panel 2: Chiba, holding the letter to her breast and her eyes closed, looking very happy.

Chiba (6): はい。

Girl #2 (7): あなたには、本当にワクワクさせられま!


Translation (8): Sim.

SUBTITLE – GIRL #2 (9): We are so excited for you!

Translation (9): Estamos muito entusiasmadas por você!

  A Isca (Português/Versão em página longa)
A Isca (Português/Versão em carrossel)

Gel Girl Pamela Rei Genesis IV

The Gel Girl transformation apparatus is wheeled out.

The transformation apparatus is wheeled out.

The overall action in this illustration series is described in a fragment of draft screenplay, which you are welcome to download if you are interested in such things. This image is available in a much larger size. Right-click to download.

ICUdhara has a DeviantArt site here, and you can also support the artist on Patreon, as I do.

Kindly do not alter or republish this art without our permission.

Aprenda português LXXXVI: A Isca 095

Que incrível demonstração de compaixão!

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 95 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Still being interviewed, Chiba is smiling, reaching out with her right index finger to touch the tip of a tentacle that is protruding above the surface of the water.

Unseen interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (1): 本気で言っているとは思えません!

Chiba (2): どうしてですか?

SUBTITLE – INTERVIEWER (3): You can’t be serious!

Translation (3): Você não pode estar falando sério!

SUBTITLE – CHIBA (4): Why not?

Translation (4): Por que não?

Panel 2: Chiba is standing up, pulling her tank-top off so that her arms and the inside of the top are lifted up over her head. She is braless underneath.

Unseen interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (5): だって…

Chiba (6): 本当に単純なことです。


Translation (7): Mas…

SUBTITLE – CHIBA (8): It is really very simple.

Translation (8): É muito simples, na verdade.

Panel 3: Chiba dropping her shorts. In the panel they are still around her ankles but she is now otherwise naked.

Chiba (9): 思いやりの心に従って行動できないのなら、我々は生きるに値しません。

SUBTITLE – CHIBA (10): If we cannot act on compassion, then we do not deserve to live.

Translation (10): Se não pudermos agir conforme a nossa compaixão, não merecemos viver.

Panel 4: A column of water on the surface of the tank where Chiba has just jumped in.

SFX – CHIBA JUMPING IN (11): Splash!

Translation (11): Tchibum!

  A Isca (Português/Versão em página longa)
A Isca (Português/Versão em carrossel)