This woman encased in emerald from the November 1941 cover of Astonishing Stories conveys a real tube girl or ASFR feel, but unfortunately is unattributed and also, in its Internet Archive version, a little battered. There is a slightly more vivid and clean, but also smaller, version of the cover to be found at Galactic Central. It appears to illustrate the story “My Lady of the Emerald,” by Robert A.W. Lowndes (1916-1998), one of many writers who began his career with the encouragement of H.P. Lovecraft. The story has an interior illustration by Leo Morey, whose work we have seen before on this site.

This issue of Astonishing STories is available to read or download from the Internet Archive.
Boy, what a lineup! Pulp master Ray Cummings AND old Lafayette Ron Hubbard in his pre-messiah days!