Köder 055

Köder 054
Köder 056
Aber das Experiment läuft schlecht.

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PAGE 55 (Four panels)

Panel 1: View of the RV Seagoon, lit up against the night sky.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (1): Back on the RV Seagoon, things are not going well.

Translation (1): Zurück auf der RV Seagoon läuft es nicht gut.

Panel 2: View on the bridge of the Seagoon, with Captain Drummingdale and Professor Turpentine looking over the shoulders of two sailors who are looking at monitors. On the darkened bridge, the illumination on faces comes from these monitors.

Turpentine (2): How long has it been?

Translation (2): Wie lange ist es her?

Drummingdale (3): Thirteen hours, Professor.

Translation (3): Dreizehn Stunden, Professor.

Turpentine (4): You’re running every possible sweep?

Translation (4): Und Sie haben alles im Blick?

Drummingdale (5): Nothing but calm sea out there.

Translation (5): Nichts als ruhige See.

Panel 3: View of a frustrated-looking Turpentine standing at the head of the table in the ship’s galley.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (6): After forty-eight hours, Professor Turpentine concludes that their first attempt has failed.

Translation (6): Nach achtundvierzig Stunden kommt Professor Turpentine zum Schluss, dass der erste Versuch gescheitert ist.

Turpentine (7): No sign of a detonation at all.

Translation (7): Kein Anzeichen einer Detonation.

Panel 4: Hiram, sitting among other crew at the table in the mess.

Hiram (8): Perhaps we had the capsule sensor setting set too low.

Translation (8): Vielleicht war der Kapselsensor zu niedrig eingestellt.

 Köder (Deutsch/Langseitige Version)
Köder (Deutsch/Dia-Version)