Toozie’s Sacrifice 11

Among other things, cros sections showing penetrations of Toozie.

The eleventh in the illustration series Toozie’s Sacrifice The series was commissioned by me and done by the artist Dark Vasili. It is concept art for a screenplay on which I am working with the tentative title of Auto-Icon.

f you support this artist on patreon as I do, you can get access to the artist’s galleries of exquisitely-rendered (some of it very NSFW) work.

This image is available in high resolution: click on the image to load or right-click to download.

Please do not republish this image or create derivative works from it or the story of which it is part without my permission.

Toozie’s Sacrifice 12

Tentacles in deep, all through Toozie's body.

The xx in the illustration series Toozie’s Sacrifice The series was commissioned by me and done by the artist Dark Vasili. It is concept art for a screenplay on which I am working with the tentative title of Auto-Icon.

f you support this artist on patreon as I do, you can get access to the artist’s galleries of exquisitely-rendered (some of it very NSFW) work.

This image is available in high resolution: click on the image to load or right-click to download.

Please do not republish this image or create derivative works from it or the story of which it is part without my permission.

Toozie’s Sacrifice 13

Toozie lifted up to the creature's feeding orifice.

The thirteenth in the illustration series Toozie’s Sacrifice The series was commissioned by me and done by the artist Dark Vasili. It is concept art for a screenplay on which I am working with the tentative title of Auto-Icon.

f you support this artist on patreon as I do, you can get access to the artist’s galleries of exquisitely-rendered (some of it very NSFW) work.

This image is available in high resolution: click on the image to load or right-click to download.

Please do not republish this image or create derivative works from it or the story of which it is part without my permission.

Toozie’s Sacrifice 14

Toozie begins to be sucked down the maw of the tentacle creature.

The fourteenth in the illustration series Toozie’s Sacrifice The series was commissioned by me and done by the artist Dark Vasili. It is concept art for a screenplay on which I am working with the tentative title of Auto-Icon.

f you support this artist on patreon as I do, you can get access to the artist’s galleries of exquisitely-rendered (some of it very NSFW) work.

This image is available in high resolution: click on the image to load or right-click to download.

Please do not republish this image or create derivative works from it or the story of which it is part without my permission.

Toozie’s Sacrifice 15

The rest of an ecstatic Toozie is sucked down the maw of the tentacle beast.  Her "progress" is monitored by scientists behind a glass panel.

The fifteenth in the illustration series Toozie’s Sacrifice The series was commissioned by me and done by the artist Dark Vasili. It is concept art for a screenplay on which I am working with the tentative title of Auto-Icon.

f you support this artist on patreon as I do, you can get access to the artist’s galleries of exquisitely-rendered (some of it very NSFW) work.

This image is available in high resolution: click on the image to load or right-click to download.

Please do not republish this image or create derivative works from it or the story of which it is part without my permission.

Toozie’s Sacrifice 16

Within the creature, Toozie is digested and brain incorporated into the creature's nervous system.  The scientists continue their monitoring.

The sixteenth in the illustration series Toozie’s Sacrifice The series was commissioned by me and done by the artist Dark Vasili. It is concept art for a screenplay on which I am working with the tentative title of Auto-Icon.

If you support this artist on patreon as I do, you can get access to the artist’s galleries of exquisitely-rendered (some of it very NSFW) work.

This image is available in high resolution: click on the image to load or right-click to download.

Please do not republish this image or create derivative works from it or the story of which it is part without my permission.

Toozie’s Sacrifice 17

Toozie's sacrifice was not for naught.  Somehow it led to the creation of a new vacccine.

The seventeenth and last in the illustration series Toozie’s Sacrifice The series was commissioned by me and done by the artist Dark Vasili. It is concept art for a screenplay on which I am working with the tentative title of Auto-Icon.

If you support this artist on patreon as I do, you can get access to the artist’s galleries of exquisitely-rendered (some of it very NSFW) work.

This image is available in high resolution: click on the image to load or right-click to download.

Please do not republish this image or create derivative works from it or the story of which it is part without my permission.

Приманка 005

Обнаженная красивая невеста ныряет в таинственные глубины.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 5 (Four panels)

(Note: Still in sepia)

Panel 1: A long Polynesian outrigger canoe, being rowed through the surf by muscular young men. Standing implausibly in the middle of the canoe is Enzo, his movie camera rigged on a tripod somehow, cranking away and filming some scene he can see from the canoe.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (1): The Scelleratini brothers were even invited along to film the “wedding.”

Translation (1): Братьев Скеллератини даже пригласили снять «свадьбу».

Panel 2: View of another outrigger canoe, also rowed by strong young men. The Bride sits in the bow of the canoe, gazing out to sea.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (2): The people rowed out to a spot of ocean known to be over a deep oceanic trench.

Translation (2): Гребцы доставили их к месту в океане, расположенному над глубоким океаническим жёлобом.

Panel 3: The Bride now stands in the bow of the canoe. She has removed her muumuu and is naked, holding her muumuu over her head so that it trails behind her in the wind. She is wearing a beatific expression.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (3): Those involved seemed to regard the entire proceeding as a blessed occasion.

Translation (3): Присутствовавшие, по-видимому, рассматривали это событие как счастливый дар свыше.

Panel 4: The Bride in mid-dive off the bow of the canoe into the ocean.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (4): The “bride” seemed to be acting of her own free will.

Translation (4): Невеста, судя по всему, действовала по своей свободной воле.

 Приманка (русский язык/Версия с длинной страницей)
Приманка (русский язык/Слайдер-версия)

Приманка 071

лаудия совершает роковой прыжок.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 71 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Close-up of Claudia’s glasses, “looking back” at Turpentine.

Panel 2: View from the deck of Claudia leaping into the sea. Note that she is still fully clothed as she does this.

Panel 3: A splash from the same P.O.V. as Panel 3 where Claudia has gone into the sea.

Panel 4: View, from behind and beneath of Claudia, still fully clothed, swimming through the ocean water.

SUBTITLE (1): Recovered drone footage.

Translation (1): Видеозапись с робота.

 Приманка (русский язык/Версия с длинной страницей)
Приманка (русский язык/Слайдер-версия)