Impariamo l’italiano XCVI: Esca 097

E così, Chiba si tuffa dentro.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 97 (Three panels)

Panel 1: Underwater robot removing the cuff from the Creature’s feeding siphon.

CAPTION (1): And so, within a few days…

Translation (1): E così, entro pochi giorni…

Panel 2: Chiba standing naked on a diving platform over the tank.

Panel 3: Chiba in mid-air in her dive into the tank, just about to break the surface of the water.

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Esca (Italiano/Versione con slider)

Learning from Elders: XCV: Esca 096

Inevitabilmente, arriva l'offerta bizzarra.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 96 (Two panels)

Panel 1: Chiba and three other Japanese aquarium girls (GIRL #1, GIRL #2, and GIRL #3) are sitting around a table eating lunch. Chiba is reading a letter.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (1): A few days later, Chiba receives a special-delivery letter.

Translation (1): Alcuni giorni dopo, Chiba riceve una lettera di consegna speciale.

Chiba (2): 手紙には、とても裕福な寄付者が、観客1人の一度限りのとても特別なショーのお返しとして、海事センターに新館を提供すると書かれています。

Girl #1 (3): チバ、本当にはいと返事するつもりですか?

SUBTITLE – CHIBA (4): The letter says that a very wealthy donor will give the Marine Center a new wing in return for a very special, one-time-only show with an audience of one.

Translation (4): La lettera dice che un donatore molto ricco darà al Centro Marino una nuova ala in cambio di uno spettacolo molto speciale, di una sola volta con un pubblico di uno.

SUBTITLE – GIRL #1 (5): Chiba, are you really going to say yes?

Translation (5): Chiba, hai intenzione di dire di sì?

Panel 2: Chiba, holding the letter to her breast and her eyes closed, looking very happy.

Chiba (6): はい。

Girl #2 (7): あなたには、本当にワクワクさせられま!


Translation (8): Sì.

SUBTITLE – GIRL #2 (9): We are so excited for you!

Translation (9): Siamo così felici per te!

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Esca (Italiano/Versione con slider)

Claudia’s Sacrifice 20

Claudia becomes the creature's meal.

This concludes our illustration series by longtime Erotic Mad Science contributor Dark Vanessa, in which she re-imagines the self-sacrifice of Claudia Honeywood in my graphic novella Bait, in particular the part which begins (in the English-language version) here.

The sequence is published here on agreement between me and Vanessa. Please don’t republish or make derivative works without our consent. I have made this image available in high resolution. Click on the blog image to load or right-click to download.

If you want to see all the illustrations in this series laid out in sequence, you can do so through this link to the series’s blog category.

Dark Vanessa has a DeviantArt site here and if you like her work, I urge you to support her on Patreon, as I do.