Impariamo l’italiano XCIV: Esca 095

Che meravigliosa applicazione della compassione!

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 95 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Still being interviewed, Chiba is smiling, reaching out with her right index finger to touch the tip of a tentacle that is protruding above the surface of the water.

Unseen interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (1): 本気で言っているとは思えません!

Chiba (2): どうしてですか?

SUBTITLE – INTERVIEWER (3): You can’t be serious!

Translation (3): Non puoi essere seria!

SUBTITLE – CHIBA (4): Why not?

Translation (4): Perchè no?

Panel 2: Chiba is standing up, pulling her tank-top off so that her arms and the inside of the top are lifted up over her head. She is braless underneath.

Unseen interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (5): だって…

Chiba (6): 本当に単純なことです。


Translation (7): Ma…

SUBTITLE – CHIBA (8): It is really very simple.

Translation (8): È davvero molto semplice.

Panel 3: Chiba dropping her shorts. In the panel they are still around her ankles but she is now otherwise naked.

Chiba (9): 思いやりの心に従って行動できないのなら、我々は生きるに値しません。

SUBTITLE – CHIBA (10): If we cannot act on compassion, then we do not deserve to live.

Translation (10): Se non possiamo agire per compassione, allora non meritiamo di vivere.

Panel 4: A column of water on the surface of the tank where Chiba has just jumped in.

SFX – CHIBA JUMPING IN (11): Splash!

Translation (11): Splash!

  Esca (Italiano/Versione a pagina lunga)
Esca (Italiano/Versione con slider)

Claudia’s Sacrifice 19

Upside-down underwater double tentacle penetration for Cludia.

We continue our illustration series by longtime Erotic Mad Science contributor Dark Vanessa, in which she re-imagines the self-sacrifice of Claudia Honeywood in my graphic novella Bait, in particular the part which begins (in the English-language version) here.

The sequence is published here on agreement between me and Vanessa. Please don’t republish or make derivative works without our consent. I have made this image available in high resolution. Click on the blog image to load or right-click to download.

If you want to see all the illustrations in this series laid out in sequence, you can do so through this link to the series’s blog category.

Dark Vanessa has a DeviantArt site here and if you like her work, I urge you to support her on Patreon, as I do.

Impariamo l’italiano XCIII: Esca 094

Chiba prova compassione per il povero mostro tentacolare affamato.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 94 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Close-up of Chiba’s bare legs dangling in the tank.

CAPTION – CHIBA NARRATING (1): 何ヶ月もずっと彼の近くにいると、彼の気持ちがわかってくるのです。

SUBTITLE – TRANSLATION (2): Having been close to him for all these months, I feel that I can feel what he feels.

Translation (2): Stando vicina a lui per tutti questi mesi, sento di poter sentire quello che prova.

Panel 2: Chiba’s legs in the tank again. A tentacle has come up and is playing among her toes.

CAPTION – CHIBA NARRATING (4): 彼は悲しい、とてもお腹が空いたと思っています。私のことを食い尽くしたいと思っているのです。

SUBTITLE – TRANSLATION (5): And what he feels is sad and very hungry. He wants to eat me so very badly.

Translation (5): E ciò che sente è triste e molto affamato. Ha davvero tanta voglia di mangiarmi.

Panel 3: Same as Panel 2, except that now the tentacle has wrapped around her ankle.

CAPTION – CHIBA NARRATING (6): 彼には本当に申し訳なく思っています。

SUBTITLE – TRANSLATION (7): I feel so sorry for him.

Translation (7): Mi dispiace per lui.

Panel 4: Same as Panel 3, except that here the tentacle was wrapped around a little way up Chiba’s leg.

CAPTION – CHIBA NARRATING (8): 彼に自分を食べさせてやりたい、もし許されるなら、彼に食べてもらいたいと思います。

SUBTITLE – TRANSLATION (9): I would let him eat me, if they would let me let him eat me.

Translation (9): Mi lasciarmi mangiare, se mi permettessero di lasciarmi mangiare da lui.

  Esca (Italiano/Versione a pagina lunga)
Esca (Italiano/Versione con slider)

Claudia’s Sacrifice 18

Skirt gone, Claudia pulled through the water.

We continue our illustration series by longtime Erotic Mad Science contributor Dark Vanessa, in which she re-imagines the self-sacrifice of Claudia Honeywood in my graphic novella Bait, in particular the part which begins (in the English-language version) here.

The sequence is published here on agreement between me and Vanessa. Please don’t republish or make derivative works without our consent. I have made this image available in high resolution. Click on the blog image to load or right-click to download.

If you want to see all the illustrations in this series laid out in sequence, you can do so through this link to the series’s blog category.

Dark Vanessa has a DeviantArt site here and if you like her work, I urge you to support her on Patreon, as I do.

Impariamo l’italiano XCII: Esca 093

Il mostro è stato strozzato; niente più ragazze da mangiare per lui.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 93 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Another interview segment. Here Chiba sits on the lip of the tank. She has changed from her white swimsuit to a tank-top and shorts. She is dangling her bare feet in the tank’s water.

Unseen interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (1): 食べられないかと、怖くなりませんか?

Chiba (2): いいえ、その対策はされています。

SUBTITLE – INTERVIEWER (3): You’re not afraid of being eaten?

Translation (3): Non hai paura di essere mangiata?

SUBTITLE – CHIBA (4): No, they’ve taken care of that.

Translation (4): No, hanno curato questo particolare.

Panel 2: An underwater robot, with grabbers, two holding on to the Creature’s feeding siphon and another pair holding some sort of giant cuff-ring.

CAPTION – CHIBA NARRATING (5): 何ヶ月もずっと彼の近くにいると、彼の気持ちがわかってくるのです。

CAPTION – CHIBA TRANSLATION (6): They put some sort of collar on his feeding siphon. No more girls for him.

Translation (6): Hanno messo una specie di colletto sul suo sifone d’alimentazione. Niente più ragazze per lui.

Panel 3: Chiba being interviewed.

Unseen interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (7): それは安心ですね。

Chiba (8): 実際には、悲しい気持ちになります。

SUBTITLE – INTERVIEWER (9): That must make you feel relieved.

Translation (9): Così dovresti sentirti sollevata.

SUBTITLE – CHIBA (10): Actually, it makes me feel sad.

Translation (10): In realtà, mi fa sentire triste.

  Esca (Italiano/Versione a pagina lunga)
Esca (Italiano/Versione con slider)

Claudia’s Sacrifice 17

Claudia is almost stripped and penetrated inher mouth by tentacles.

We continue our illustration series by longtime Erotic Mad Science contributor Dark Vanessa, in which she re-imagines the self-sacrifice of Claudia Honeywood in my graphic novella Bait, in particular the part which begins (in the English-language version) here.

The sequence is published here on agreement between me and Vanessa. Please don’t republish or make derivative works without our consent. I have made this image available in high resolution. Click on the blog image to load or right-click to download.

If you want to see all the illustrations in this series laid out in sequence, you can do so through this link to the series’s blog category.

Dark Vanessa has a DeviantArt site here and if you like her work, I urge you to support her on Patreon, as I do.

Minnow Concept Art Series I: Cover

Cover illustration for a concept art series, "Minnow," done by Rafael Suzarte.

The concluding chapter of Learning from Elders will begin its run in about a week, but in the meanwhile we’ll be running a short concept art series from another screenplay project, Minnow. Here is the title character, concept work by Rafael Suzarte, who has made any number of contributions here at Erotic Mad Science, the largest of which is the “silent” comic Beware the Asylum. If you like Rafael’s work, you can follow him on twitter at @suzarte_1 or

Impariamo l’italiano XCI: Esca 092

E per Chiba, il sesso tentacolare è impressionante.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 92 (Single panel page – color)

Single panel: Chiba, all tentacled up in the tank, her eyes closed and her head tilted back in ecstasy.

CAPTION – CHIBA NARRATING (1): 私からは観客が見えないので、例えプライベートなものでなくても、そんな風に感じます。それにセックスは本当に最高です。男性のことなど、ほとんど忘れてしまっていました。

SUBTITLE (2): I can’t see the audience, so it feels private even if it isn’t. And the sex is truly amazing. I’ve almost forgotten about men.

Translation (2): Non riesco a vedere il pubblico, quindi mi sembra privato anche se non lo è. E il sesso è davvero sorprendente. Ho quasi dimenticato gli uomini.

  Esca (Italiano/Versione a pagina lunga)
Esca (Italiano/Versione con slider)