Claudia’s Sacrifice 13

Claudia-tentacle wrap.

We continue our illustration series by longtime Erotic Mad Science contributor Dark Vanessa, in which she re-imagines the self-sacrifice of Claudia Honeywood in my graphic novella Bait, in particular the part which begins (in the English-language version) here.

The sequence is published here on agreement between me and Vanessa. Please don’t republish or make derivative works without our consent. I have made this image available in high resolution. Click on the blog image to load or right-click to download.

If you want to see all the illustrations in this series laid out in sequence, you can do so through this link to the series’s blog category.

Dark Vanessa has a DeviantArt site here and if you like her work, I urge you to support her on Patreon, as I do.

Impariamo l’italiano LXXXVII: Esca 088

La bella ragazza sembra avere il controllo del mostro.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 88 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Chiba underwater in the tank. She is swimming upright and has taken a fish out of the bag tied to her belt, which she is holding in her hand. One of the creature’s tentacles is extending toward her.

Panel 2: One of the tentacles is wrapped around the fish. The other has grabbed onto one of the shoulder straps of Chiba’s suit and is pulling it down.

Panel 3: The Cub Scouts again, who are staring at this scene gap-mouthed and obviously very interested in what will happen next.

Panel 4: Chiba using her free hand to swat at the tentacles aiming at molesting her. Her shoulder strep is down around her upper arm.

  Esca (Italiano/Versione a pagina lunga)
Esca (Italiano/Versione con slider)

Claudia’s Sacrifice 12

Tentacle cops a feel of Cluadia.

We continue our illustration series by longtime Erotic Mad Science contributor Dark Vanessa, in which she re-imagines the self-sacrifice of Claudia Honeywood in my graphic novella Bait, in particular the part which begins (in the English-language version) here.

The sequence is published here on agreement between me and Vanessa. Please don’t republish or make derivative works without our consent. I have made this image available in high resolution. Click on the blog image to load or right-click to download.

If you want to see all the illustrations in this series laid out in sequence, you can do so through this link to the series’s blog category.

Dark Vanessa has a DeviantArt site here and if you like her work, I urge you to support her on Patreon, as I do.

Impariamo l’italiano LXXXVI: Esca 087

La bella ragazza mette su uno spettacolo.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 87 (Four panels)

Panel 1: CHIBA MOE (“Chiba”), a very attractive young Japanese woman wearing a white one-piece swimsuit that has a logo for the Marine Center above the left breast stands on a diving board in position to make a dive. The swimsuit, while a one-piece, seems designed to emphasize some sex appeal, especially cleavage. Around Chiba’s waist there is a belt with a bag of sorts attached. The diving board extends over the tank containing the creature.

CAPTION (1): At Energexecon Center, a few years later.

Translation (1): Al Centro Energexecon, pochi anni dopo.

Panel 2: Chiba going into the water, her legs and lower half still out as she is in mid-dive.

SFX – DIVE (2): Splash!

Translation (2): Splash!

Panel 3: A group of Cub Scouts in uniform, sitting cross-legged on the floor of the Center outside the pool. They are looking up, fascinated.

Panel 4: Chiba descending into the tank on her dive, underwater and surrounded by bubbles.

  Esca (Italiano/Versione a pagina lunga)
Esca (Italiano/Versione con slider)

Claudia’s Sacrifice 11

Claudia rides larger, thicker tentacles.

We continue our illustration series by longtime Erotic Mad Science contributor Dark Vanessa, in which she re-imagines the self-sacrifice of Claudia Honeywood in my graphic novella Bait, in particular the part which begins (in the English-language version) here.

The sequence is published here on agreement between me and Vanessa. Please don’t republish or make derivative works without our consent. I have made this image available in high resolution. Click on the blog image to load or right-click to download.

If you want to see all the illustrations in this series laid out in sequence, you can do so through this link to the series’s blog category.

Dark Vanessa has a DeviantArt site here and if you like her work, I urge you to support her on Patreon, as I do.

Impariamo l’italiano LXXXV: Esca 086

Che il cielo ti aiuti, Trementina, se quel mostro tentacolare dovesse fuggire.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 86 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Turpentine, in a white labcoat, standing next to the side of the tank. He is being interviewed. In the part of the tank that is visible behind him, there’s nothing but water.

Turpentine (1): Well, we had some difficult times there, but it is remarkable how we succeeded in the end.

Translation (1): Bene, abbiamo avuto dei momenti difficili, ma è straordinario come alla fine ci siamo riusciti.

Panel 2: Turpentine facing the tank and placing one hand on the glass.

Turpentine (2): We’ll study the Creature and find out what makes it tick. I’d say that its woman-eating days are over.

Translation (2): Studieremo la Creatura e scopriremo cosa lo rende perfetta. Direi che i suoi giorni da mangia-donne sono finiti.

Panel 3: Turpentine facing outward from the glass again. In the background, un-noted by him, a tentacle has snaked into the shot. This tentacle has an eye at its end, wide open in this panel.

Turpentine (3): I believe humanity will benefit a great deal from the study of Gynophagos turpentinii.

Comment (3): Same conventions on Linnean species names apply as above.

Translation (3): Credo che l’umanità trarrà grandi benefici dallo studio dello Gynophagos turpentinii.

Unseen interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (4): Wasn’t it supposed to be named Gynophagos honeywoodiae?

Translation (4): Non doveva essere chiamato Gynophagos honeywoodiae?

Panel 4: Turpentine looking a bit perplexed and annoyed. Behind him, the eye-tentacle has contorted into an Angry Squint, as similar as possible to the same Angry Squint made by Claudia Honeywood.

Turpentine (5): I’m sorry, but I have no recollection of that.

Translation (5): Mi dispiace, ma non ne ho memoria.

  Esca (Italiano/Versione a pagina lunga)
Esca (Italiano/Versione con slider)

Claudia’s Sacrifice 10

Claudia takes one of the phallic tentacles into her mouth.

We continue our illustration series by longtime Erotic Mad Science contributor Dark Vanessa, in which she re-imagines the self-sacrifice of Claudia Honeywood in my graphic novella Bait, in particular the part which begins (in the English-language version) here.

The sequence is published here on agreement between me and Vanessa. Please don’t republish or make derivative works without our consent. I have made this image available in high resolution. Click on the blog image to load or right-click to download.

If you want to see all the illustrations in this series laid out in sequence, you can do so through this link to the series’s blog category.

Dark Vanessa has a DeviantArt site here and if you like her work, I urge you to support her on Patreon, as I do.