Impariamo l’italiano XXVI: Esca 037

Incontriamo la mente nuda di Eliza.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 37 (Three panels)

Panel 1: Probably long on the side of the page. Close up view of Eliza in the giant tank wearing the “tentacle swim suit.”

Eliza (balloon with watery lines) (1): … … …

Panel 2: Close-up on a speaker on a control panel.

Eliza (radio balloon coming from speaker) (2): bzzt crackle hoff iss cocks bign faat like dis zz-pop!

Comment (2): Eliza’s underlying internal monologue here is something like “Yes! Cocks [that is, penises] big and fat like these” but obscured by transmission noise. The translation should include appropriate representations of “noise” and distortion.

Translation (2): bzzt crepitio cheff cazzi grandibzzt ffnezzb grosszrtiff come questizz-pop!

Panel 3: Claudia and Turpentine, both dressed in coveralls, monitoring progress on a panel.

Claudia (3): Don’t you think we should tell her she has no internal censor going?

Translation (3): Non pensi che dovremmo dirle che non ha alcuna censura interna?

Turpentine (4): No! The more we get for science, the better!

Translation (4): No! Più ne ricaviamo per la scienza, meglio è!

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Weirder sacrifice

An all-nude version of Penerotic's recreation of a Margaret Brundage Weird Tales cover.

Just an alternate version of yesterday’s Penerotic pulp recreation, which I’m sure all you merry perverts will enjoy.

I have made this image available in high resolution. Click to display or right-click to download.

You can follow Penerotic on Twitter at @penerotic, on Instagram at @penerotica and if you like his art like me, you can also support him on Patreon.

Please do not alter or reproduce the recreation above without consent of the creators. Thank you and stay well!

Impariamo l’italiano XXXV: Esca 036

Claudia Honeywood crea robot molto intelligenti.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 36 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Claudia, in coveralls and wearing goggles, sitting at a high-tech workbench making adjustments to a tiny (about the size of a toaster) submersible drone.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (1): Ethical objections aside, preparations for an expedition are laid in.

Translation (1): A parte le obiezioni etiche, sono in corso i preparativi per una spedizione.

Panel 2: Claudia now being interviewed in the lab. She has pushed her goggles up on her forehead, and her face has some sooty smudges on it.

SUBTITLE (2): Claudia Honeywood, Ph.D., Project Robotics Engineer.

Translation (2): Claudia Honeywood, Ph.D., Ingegnere del Progetto di Robotica.

Claudia (3): The creature will probably be able to block communications with our expedition ship, but we think a tightly focused beam from our subjects to a submersible might be possible. We can capture and retrieve data from it later.

Translation (3): Probabilmente la creatura sarà in grado di bloccare le comunicazioni con la nostra nave di spedizione, ma pensiamo che sia possibile un raggio strettamente focalizzato dai nostri soggetti a un sommergibile. Da questo, in seguito, potremo acquisire e recuperare i dati.

Panel 3: A somewhat cleaned-up Claudia showing the submersible to Daphne and Eliza. Daphne seems interested, Eliza almost enchanted.

Claudia (4): Okay, ladies. So, one of you at least is going to be talking to this.

Translation (4): Ok, signore. Quindi, almeno una di voi parlerà con questo.

Eliza (5): Ooh, it’s so cute!

Translation (5): Ooh, è così carino!

Panel 4: Claudia fitting something behind Eliza’s ear.

Claudia (6): This sensor will transmit biometrics. It will also scan your brain’s speech center and allow you to provide some narration of your experiences.

Translation (6): Questo sensore trasmetterà dati biometrici. Eseguirà anche la scansione del centro del discorso del tuo cervello e ti consentirà di fornire una narrazione delle tue esperienze.

Eliza (7): I really want to try that…

Translation (7): Voglio davvero provarlo…

Claudia (8): You will. We need testing.

Translation (8): Lo proverai. Abbiamo bisogno di testarlo.

  Esca (Italiano/Versione a pagina lunga)
Esca (Italiano/Versione con slider)

New pulp recreation from Penerotic: Weird Sacrifice

In a recreation of a famous Margaret Brundage cover, artist Penerotic recreates a scene of three voluptuous women sacrificing a third on an altar.

Artist Penerotic continues his string of pulp recreations for Erotic Mad Science, here doing his take on a famous Margaret Brundage cover for Weird Tales.

I have made this image available in high resolution. Click to display or right-click to download.

You can follow Penerotic on Twitter at @penerotic, on Instagram at @penerotica and if you like his art like me, you can also support him on Patreon.

Please do not alter or reproduce the recreation above without consent of the creators. Thank you and stay well!

Impariamo l’italiano XXXIV: Esca 035

Naturalmente, c'è un accademico che è disgustato all'idea dell'esperimento.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 35 (Four panels)

Panel 1: CHRISTA MARXALOT (“Marxalot”), a severe-looking middle-aged woman professor, being interviewed in her academic office.

SUBTITLE (1): Christa Marxalot, Professor of Applied Ethics.

Translation (1): Christa Marxalot, professore di etica applicata.

Marxalot (2): Effective altruism? Appalling!

Translation (2): Efficacia altruistica? Spaventoso!

Panel 2: Same interview, but Marxalot looking angrier.

Marxalot (3): Here we see the bitter fruits of a century of consumer culture and decades of escalating economic inequality.

Translation (3): Qui vediamo i frutti amari di un secolo di cultura del consumo e decenni di crescente disuguaglianza economica.

Panel 3: Same interview, with Marxalot now angry enough to be shaking a fist.

Marxalot (4): Young people have such a bleak sense of their own futures that the best they can conceive of for themselves is to try to get a good price selling themselves as playthings for some billionaire.

Translation (4): I giovani hanno un senso così cupo del proprio futuro che il meglio che riescono a concepire da soli è cercare di ottenere un buon prezzo vendendosi come giocattoli per qualche miliardario.

Marxalot (5): Have we no decency anymore? No sense of human dignity or the value of human life?

Translation (5): Non abbiamo più decenza? Nessun senso della dignità umana o del valore della vita umana?

Panel 4: Marxalot now sitting back in her chair, looking offended.

Unseen interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (6): Are you proposing to retire to let a younger academic move up the career ladder, or perhaps get a job at all?

Translation (6): Stai proponendo di andare in pensione per permettere a un giovane accademico di salire la scala della carriera, o magari di ottenere un lavoro?

Marxalot (7): Are you insane?

Translation (7): Sei matto?

  Esca (Italiano/Versione a pagina lunga)
Esca (Italiano/Versione con slider)

Bubbles and bandages

A woman atop a giant tiger's head and a zombie, or something, in Lawrence Sterne Stevens's cover for Famous Fantastic Mysteries, October 1949.

Lucy rides the tiger with diamonds and there’s a zombie, or something. Lawrence Sterne Stevens painted this cover for the October 1949 issue of Famous Fantastic Mysteries. Always worth it is an interior illustration by Virgil Finlay for “The Starkenden Quest” by Gilbert Collins (1890-1960).

A wrapped woman in a tower of bubbles in an illustration by Virgil Finlay.
“The recess in the wall contained a human figure — the body of a woman!”

This issue of Famous Fantastic Mysteries is available to read and download at the Internet Archive.

Learning from Elders: Chapter 9, Cover

Chiara Tagliacozzo in a baroque portrait of herself, lusted after by creepy Uncle Luigi on the cover of Chapter Nine of Learning from Elders.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

I am making this cover available in high resolution. Click to load or right-click to download.

If you want or need to, you can catch up on the entire story to date by either going to the first page and navigating through page-by-page using the arrows at the top, or you can read the story ten pages at a time by opening the Learning from Elders category on this site.

Impariamo l’italiano XXXIII: Esca 034

Daphne desidera salvare i bambini, Eliza, i simpatici animali.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 34 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Daphne and Eliza sit next to one another on a comfortable-looking couch, being interviewed.

Daphne (1): The charitable contribution was a big thing for me.

Translation (1): Il contributo di beneficenza per me era una grande cosa.

Eliza (2): Yeah, me too!

Translation (2): Sì, anche per me!

Daphne (3): It’s really an issue of effective altruism.

Translation (3): È davvero una questione di altruismo efficace.

Panel 2: A thin-but-healthy African child spooning something nourishing into her mouth while looking at the viewer with large and grateful eyes.

CAPTION – DAPHNE NARRATING (4): Estimates vary depending on details of methodology, but a consensus view is that a million dollars well spent on hunger and disease relief could easily save thirty lives.

Translation (4): Le stime variano a seconda dei dettagli della metodologia, ma una visione condivisa è che un milione di dollari ben spesi per la cura della fame e della malattia potrebbe salvare facilmente trenta vite.

Panel 3: Daphne and Eliza on the couch again.

Daphne (5): One for thirty seems like a pretty good trade to me, another way of living a life that matters.

Translation (5): Uno per trenta a me sembra un buon compromesso, un altro modo di vivere una vita che vale la pena.

Unseen interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (6): And what are you contributing to, Eliza?

Translation (6): E a cosa stai contribuendo, Eliza?

Eliza (7): Well, I’ve always loved animals.

Translation (7): Beh, ho sempre amato gli animali.

Panel 4: Eliza, dressed differently than she is for the interview, cradling a sad-looking little puppy in her arms, comforting it.

CAPTION – ELIZA NARRATING (8): A million dollars in humane society relief goes a long way.

Comment (8): By “humane society relief,” Eliza means charity directed toward an organization like the American Humane Society, which devotes itself to promoting the welfare of non-human animals, so this phrase should be translated accordingly.

Translation (8): Con un milione di dollari in aiuti alla protezione animali si va molto lontano.

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Esca (Italiano/Versione con slider)