Minnow 001

Today we begin another new experiment at Erotic Mad Science. From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, I wrote two whole screenplays. For the first of these, Auto-Icon I commissioned Erosarts to do a long string of quasi-storyboards which I compiled with the screenplay into what I called a pictureplay book. With the second I am attempting something that is in one way more standard for this site — the screenplay is being adapted into a graphic novel — but in another way experimental, in that I am delegating the adaptation to Erosarts rather than writing my own script. This delegation should provide a new and I hope refreshing approach to the readers, while freeing up some time and energy as I develop a podcast.

For those of you curious about the underlying text, I am also publishing the screenplay. The “typewriter” icon below each page links to a version of the screenplay. (Don’t read if you don’t want spoilers.)

So without further ado, let us get on with the next story.

The raiders set out for the decadent and decaying seaport of Innsmouth, Massachusetts in November 1927.
typewriter/screenplay icon

↑ Typewriter icon link to screenplay. ↑

Minnow written by Iago Faustus, adapted and illustrated by Erosarts.

Faustus Crow experiments

Faustus Crow, whom I recently interviewed for the Squick-or-Squee Podcast, is now doing experiments with occult soundscapes and visuals. Here is a free example you can find on YouTube: “Yellow Submarine Psychonaut Vepara. A Dark Tale from ‘The Haunted Art Studio Of Faustus Crow.'” (Note: I believe the soundscape here is most effective if listened-to on headphones).

Comments Faustus Crow:

The Forty-Second Succubus is Vepara, or Vephara. She is a Duchess Great and Strong and appears like a U-Boat Captain piloting a Yellow Submarine, or as a Mermaid.

Her Psychonaut office is to govern the Astral Waters, sinking the designs of War Profiteers, etc., thereon. And at the request of her Conjuring Surrealist Artist, she can cause the Astral sea of the Collective Dream to be right stormy, which initiates a global Serf rebellion against the Feudal Technocracy.

Also she makes the NWO Economic Reset gangsters of the neo-aristocratic Top-Down economy, meet Madame Guillotine. She governs over 29 Legions of Submariner Succubi, and her Seal is to be meditated upon prior to conjuring her into a Lucid Dream. – Surrealist Goetia – S. L. MacGregore Freemason Matherson (misquoted)

I can’t improve on that! In any event, most of these new works are available only to patrons, so if you like what you see and hear you should head on over to his Patreon and show him some love. You can also buy his books at his Amazon store.