Logaĵo — 34-a paĝo

Dafno deziras savi infanetojn, Eliza belajn bestojn.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 34 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Daphne and Eliza sit next to one another on a comfortable-looking couch, being interviewed.

Daphne (1): The charitable contribution was a big thing for me.

Translation (1): La karitata kontribuo estas granda afero por mi.

Eliza (2): Yeah, me too!

Translation (2): Jes, ankaŭ por mi!

Daphne (3): It’s really an issue of effective altruism.

Translation (3): Tio estas vere afero de efektiva altruismo.

Panel 2: A thin-but-healthy African child spooning something nourishing into her mouth while looking at the viewer with large and grateful eyes.

CAPTION – DAPHNE NARRATING (4): Estimates vary depending on details of methodology, but a consensus view is that a million dollars well spent on hunger and disease relief could easily save thirty lives.

Translation (4): La taksoj varias laŭ detaloj de la metodologio, sed estas ĝenerala konsidero, ke tiu sumo bone aplikata kontraŭ malsato kaj malsanoj povus facile savi tridek vivojn.

Panel 3: Daphne and Eliza on the couch again.

Daphne (5): One for thirty seems like a pretty good trade to me, another way of living a life that matters.

Translation (5): Unu kontraŭ tridek ŝajnas al mi bona interŝanĝo, alia maniero vivi travivindan vivon.

Unseen interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (6): And what are you contributing to, Eliza?

Translation (6): Kaj al kio vi kontribuos, Eliza?

Eliza (7): Well, I’ve always loved animals.

Translation (7): Nu, mi ĉiam amis bestojn.

Panel 4: Eliza, dressed differently than she is for the interview, cradling a sad-looking little puppy in her arms, comforting it.

CAPTION – ELIZA NARRATING (8): A million dollars in humane society relief goes a long way.

Translation (8): Unu miliono da dolaroj longe helpos bestoprotektan societon.

 Logaĵo (Esperanto/Longpaĝa versio)
Logaĵo (Esperanto/Diapozitivila versio)

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An OLDER WHITE MAN being interviewed.


Better her than me.

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.

Logaĵo — 33-a paĝo

La du "venkintoj" de la konkurso fariĝi logaĵo renkontiĝas.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 33 (Two panels)

Panel 1: Probably smaller inset above. Eliza and Daphne meeting in an office somewhere, shaking hands somewhat tentatively.

CAPTION – TURPENTINE NARRATING (1): Eventually, we were down to two candidates, one to serve in the principal attempt and the second as an alternate.

Translation (1): Fine, ni alvenis al du kandidatinoj, unu por roli en la ĉefa provo kaj la dua kiel alternativo.

Eliza (2): Uh, hi!

Translation (2): Ho, saluton!

Daphne (3): How do you do?

Translation (3): Saluton!

Panel 2: Eliza and Daphne sitting at a table in a richly-appointed conference room of a major law firm. Across from them sit some serious-looking lawyers. Eliza is signing something.

CAPTION – TURPENTINE NARRATING (4): We had them sign agreements of various kinds: consents to the procedure, agreements to prominent mention in all publications related to the project, and also contracts with compensation of a sort: a charity of each’s choosing would get a contribution of $1,000,000 upon each’s completion of her…contribution.

Translation (4): Ni igis ilin subskribi plurspecajn konsentojn: pri la proceduro, pri la mencio en ĉiuj publikaĵoj ligitaj al la projekto kaj ankaŭ kontraktojn pri iaspeca kompenso: karitata institucio, kiun ĉiu kandidatino elektis, ricevos 1 milionon da dolaroj je la kompletigo de la respektiva… kontribuo.

 Logaĵo (Esperanto/Longpaĝa versio)
Logaĵo (Esperanto/Diapozitivila versio)

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A white MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN being interviewed.


What you have to understand is, these Chinese people, they’re not like us, they don’t understand the individual the way we Westerners do, so in her culture it’s all about the collective. They’re sort of more like ants, where one will sacrifice itself to save the colony.

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.

Logaĵo — 32-a paĝo

Unua renkonto kun la tentakloj

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 32 (Single panel page – do in color)

Single panel: A girl swimming partly upright underwater in a giant (at least 6 meters high and 4 meters in diameter) cylindrical glass tank. She is wearing a utilitarian one-piece swimsuit, to which various “tentacle” attachments have been made at various places, including at the breasts and between her legs. Her face is covered with an attachment rather like the “mask” that covered Phoebe Petrobux’s face in her last appearance above the surface. Beneath the swimming girl’s feet there is a large tube similar to the feeding siphon the creature is believed to have. Off to the right of the panel a white-coated scientist is operating a control panel with a variety of levers and dials. To the left, another scientist watches monitors and keeps notes.

CAPTION – TURPENTINE NARRATING (1): Those women who got through the initial rounds of the process went through a simulation test.

Translation (1): Tiuj virinoj, kiuj trapasis la komencajn partojn de la procezo submetiĝis al simula testo.

CAPTION – TURPENTINE NARRATING (2): We don’t want subjects who will panic and struggle under field conditions.

Translation (2): Ni ne volas kandidatinojn, kiuj ekpanikos kaj batalos en la reala situacio.

 Logaĵo (Esperanto/Longpaĝa versio)
Logaĵo (Esperanto/Diapozitivila versio)

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An URBANITE YOUNG WOMAN being interviewed on camera.


This is like, a free country, and you should be able to do with your body what you want, so if this woman wants to do this thing and its her choice then, like, I can totally respect and support that.

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.

Logaĵo — 31-a paĝo

Ĉiam estas mildparolanta advokato por klarigi ĉion.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 31 (Four panels)

Panel 1: HARVEY ELIGOS (“Eligos”), an elegant-looking man with a neatly trimmed Van Dyke beard and an expensive suit, sits across a polished wooden conference table in a conference room of a high-priced law firm. He is being interviewed. He looks and in control of his situation.

Unseen interviewer (1): We don’t understand about “non-suicidality.” Isn’t this a sort of suicide mission by definition?

Translation (1): Ni ne komprenas pri “nesinmortigemo.” Ĉu la eksperimento ne estas laŭdifine speco de sinmortiga misio?

Eligos (2): No.

Translation (2): Ne.

SUBTITLE (3): Harvey Eligos, J.D., Ph.D., legal psychologist and consultant.

Translation (3): D-ro Harvey Eligos, advokato, leĝa psikologo kaj konsultisto.

Panel 2: Harvey, still in control, continuing his response to the interviewer.

Eligos (4): To be suicidal means wanting to end one’s life, and that’s what the testing on this project was meant to screen out.

Translation (4): Esti sinmortigema signifas voli fini la propran vivon kaj tion la kontrolado en tiu projekto celis pristudi.

Eligos (5): Accepting the end of one’s life as a side-effect of achieving a higher goal, that’s not suicide.

Translation (5): Akcepti la finon de la propra vivo kiel kromefekto por atingi pli altan celon, tio ne estas sinmortigo.

Unseen interviewer (6): We still don’t understand.

Translation (6): Ni ankoraŭ ne komprenas.

Panel 3: View of a dead United States Marine (WWII era), lying face down in the mud, his rifle and various battle detritus strew about his corpse.

CAPTION – ELIGOS NARRATING (7): Suppose a Marine throws himself on a live grenade, sacrificing his own life to save those of his fellow Marines. Would we call that a suicide? Of course not. He nobly sacrificed his life to achieve a higher goal.

Translation (7): Supozu, ke mararmeano ĵetas sin sur eksplodontan grenadon kaj foroferas sian vivon favore al tiuj de siaj kolegoj mararmeanoj. Ĉu ni nomu tion sinmortigo? Kompreneble ne. Li noble foroferis sian vivon por atingi pli altan celon.

Panel 4: Close-up on Eligos’s face.

Eligos (8): These researchers were looking for subjects interested in the higher goal of advancing science, among other things.

Translation (8): Tiuj esploristoj serĉis kandidatinojn interesatajn pri la pli alta celo antaŭenigi la sciencon, interalie.

 Logaĵo (Esperanto/Longpaĝa versio)
Logaĵo (Esperanto/Diapozitivila versio)

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The coffee shop is bustling with people getting their morning coffee. Overhead, a large-screen television shows another cable news program with a crawl. MYRA JONES, another anchor, is presenting the news.


(on TV)

And in this morning’s continuing top story, the appearance of Lucy Chen on a globally-broadcast interview on this network appears to have had a significant effect public opinion.


Poll graphic appears next to Myra on the screen showing FAVOR 67% OPPOSE 27% DON’T KNOW 6%


(on TV)

A U-N-N/New York Herald Poll taken overnight shows an apparent large majority of Americans are in favor or an act which critics are calling a “human sacrifice” and even “corporate murder.” Interviews done by our U-N-N reporters on the street this morning seem to back up the polling data…

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.

Logaĵo — 30-a paĝo

Surprize, multaj virinoj havas intereson fariĝi manĝaĵo por la tentakla kreitaĵo.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 30 (Three panels)

Panel 1: Probably the largest panel across the top of the page. An institutional-looking room full of young women sitting at desks, filling out forms with pencils.

CAPTION – TURPENTINE NARRATING (1): We were surprised at the number of volunteers we got when word of our project got out on social networks.

Translation (1): Ni surpriziĝis pri la nombro de volontuloj, kiujn ni ricevis kiam nia projekto disvastiĝis en sociaj retoj.

CAPTION – TURPENTINE NARRATING (2): We did extensive psychological testing to root out cases of suicidality and mental instability.

Translation (2): Ni faris ampleksan psikologian teston por eltrovi kazojn pri sinmortigemo kaj mensa nestabileco.

Panel 2: Turpentine in his office, being interviewed.

Turpentine (3): There were some legal issues, of course, but our philanthropic sponsor is well connected and found ways to deal with them.

Translation (3):. Estis kelkaj leĝaj demandoj, kompreneble, sed nia bonfara sponsoro havas bonajn konektojn kaj trovis manierojn pritrakti tion.

Panel 3: A young woman wearing a hospital gown, sitting on an examination table and having her blood pressure checked by a nurse.

CAPTION – TURPENTINE NARRATING (4): We did rigorous medical screening.

Translation (4): Ni faris rigoran medicinan ekzamenadon.

 Logaĵo (Esperanto/Longpaĝa versio)
Logaĵo (Esperanto/Diapozitivila versio)

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Harry, Arthur, Joe, Dr. Moorcock, and a bunch of other Oikos Galenou employees are standing or seated at the conference table, watching Toozie’s interview performance on a large-screen TV at one end of the room, which continues unintelligibly in the background.


She’s good at this…she’s really good.

Harry nods in agreement.

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.