Dr. Robo does Chrome Virus

Just a reminder that our old friend Dr. Robo has been working hard on his transformation sequences lately, with a surprisingly docile subject in his new Chrome Virus series. Note the impressive amount of Science Stuff:

If mind controlling mad science is your thing, definitely head over his site at Metrobay Comix, where you’ll find more of it than you probably would have thought existed. (This particular transformation sequence runs for more than a dozen pages, for one.) I’m also pleased to note that Dr. Robo is now also running a tumblr, which I hope develops well.

I’ll also note that a perennial favorite thaumatophile subject — philosophy — puts in an appearance in the sequence, to wit:

Which raises a conundrum, at least for me. “Suppressing free will…” How can suppress that which is not?

Squick or Squee Bonus III: Dr. Robo

And I’m pleased to note that I’ve heard from another old friend of Erotic Mad Science by this 2012 Squick or Squee week, robots-and–mind-control kinkster extraordinary Dr. Robo, who has also often appeared here and provided inspiration for this enterprise. He offers a page from one of his many comics, “The Doctor is In.”

Presented here by the kind permission of the creator. Be sure to pay Dr. Robo a visit at his new site, MetrobayComix.com, where there’s a wealth of squeeish material to be found.

Squick or Squee Bonus Art I: Drake

Longtime followers of Erotic Mad Science will know that the tireless CG artist Drake at Medusarrific has long been an inspiration to me, pushing out as he does a new edition of his A.S.F.R.-themed CG comic every month. So it is with great pleasure that I found in my inbox just recently an unsolicited but very welcome bonus contribution from Drake for this year’s Squick or Squee parade. Someone is busy in the lab making golden statues…

Presented here by the kind permission of the creator.

Squick or Squee 2012 II

Our second entry for Squick or Squee Week 2012 was created by Niceman, the CG artist who thrilled me by doing work that got featured by Violet Blue. In this dark work here, Niceman comes up with a scenario in which a lady mad scientist has no choice but to take refuge in a laboratory tube from her angry creations.

A lady mad scientist hides in a tube from her creations.

(Click on the image for larger size. Creative Commons License
Niceman’s Squick or Squee Entry 2012 commissioned by Dr. Faustus of EroticMadScience.com and drawn by Niceman is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)

I might have been the first person to place a commission with Niceman, and he’s now publishing his work not just on the Internet, but on the covers of actual books, so if you’re a member of the DeviantArt community, be sure to leave a comment of congratulations.

Squick or Squee 2012 I: Gorgon’s Plaything

In the corner of the Northern Hemisphere that I inhabit leaves are turning and spooky things are walking about at night, and we all know what that means here at Erotic Mad Science. Yes it’s Squick or Squee Week, and the third annual one, too.

For those of you who weren’t around for the first two Squick or Squee Weeks, the idea is something like this: in the week before Halloween, I run a series of illustrations that have the dual properties of being erotic (at least to some viewers) and at the same time perhaps a bit frightening or repulsive as well.

This year is a little different from past years, in that Squick or Squee week is going to be all bespoke, that is, consist entirely of images which I specifically commissioned from artists who have done great work here at Erotic Mad Science before. The commissions were deliberately left very broad. Artists were given the concept of Squick or Squee week (and their fees, of course) and set loose to produce whatever their imaginations came up with. I am pleased with the outcomes and hope you will be, too.

Who better for our first entry of the week than our Tales of Gnosis College creator Lon Ryden, whose Squick or Squee week entry should please all of you A.S.F.R. fans out there. It’s called Gorgon’s Plaything.

Lon Ryden does an A.S.F.R.-themed image for Squick or Squee Week 2012

(Click on the image for larger size. Creative Commons License
Gorgon’s Plaything: Squick or Squee Entry 2012 commissioned by Dr. Faustus of EroticMadScience.com and drawn by Lon Ryden is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)

Invisible Girl, Heroine: Chapter Two, Page Two

Colleen enveloped!

Naked Colleen enveloped by Strangeways's mad-science skin.

(Click on the image for larger size. Creative Commons License
Invisible Girl, Heroine: Chapter Two, Page Two written and commissioned by Dr. Faustus of EroticMadScience.com and drawn by Lon Ryden is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)

What the heck, another gilding picture, because it’s a fun fetish.

From the same source as yesterday, Reverse Pygmalion.

Invisble Girl, Heroine: Chapter Two, Page One

And so Colleen’s “therapy” gets underway.

Naked Colleen coated by Strangeways's mad-science skin.

(Click on the image for larger size. Creative Commons License
Invisible Girl, Heroine: Chapter Two, Page One written and commissioned by Dr. Faustus of EroticMadScience.com and drawn by Lon Ryden is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.)

The “skin” that Colleen is being covered with is a play on an intriguing A.S.F.R.-related fetish for body gilding. An example thereof:

Found at the aptly-named tumblr Reverse Pygmalion, which has a lot of this sort of imagery.