Grote Opdracht brides in tentacles

Brides they will be, but not of human grooms.

Image presented by agreement between Faustus and Dark Vanessa.

We have here a version of the same commission done by Rafael Suzarte and Lucy Fidelis, this time by another longtime contributor to Erotic Mad Science, Dark Vanessa. Her artistic inspiration of the story interesting fits neatly into an advancing narrative.

Naturally, there is a version of the same fictional news story in Spanish:

La tripulación que operaba un robot sumergible de salvamento cerca de la isla de Motofupo, en el Pacífico sudoccidental, descubrió la semana pasada la placa de identificación y otros escombros que supuestamente pertenecieron a un barco de vela holandés que naufragó hace más de un siglo. A principios de 1886, el Grote Opdracht zarpó de Rotterdam con varios cargamentos y pasajeros hacia las Indias Orientales holandesas. Hizo su última escala en el puerto de Singapur antes de navegar hacia el este con destino a las Islas Molucas. Nunca más se supo del barco. El hecho de que su placa de identificación se encontrase tan lejos de cualquier rumbo plausible que pudiera haber seguido, sugiere que pudo haber sido atrapado en una extraña tormenta tropical y arrastrado a una larga distancia antes de hundirse cerca de Motofupo. La pérdida del Grote Opdracht fue especialmente conmovedora, ya que entre sus pasajeros se encontraban varias jóvenes solteras holandesas y flamencas que viajaban al este para casarse con funcionarios coloniales holandeses que trabajaban en las Molucas. Esta tragedia fue el tema de una popular, aunque triste, balada holandesa de finales del siglo XIX, “Mijn geliefde meisje slaapt in de zuidelijke zee” (“Mi amada niña duerme en el mar del sur”).

Dark Vanessa publishes her work at DeviantArt and you can also support her on Patreon.

As is general with this series, you can right-click and download to get the image in high resolution.

Monsters that once were men?

However else they might have changed, the monsters that once were men are still like men in at least one important respect. This is the cover of the August 1959 edition of Super Science Fiction, which I am reblogging from this 6 March 2016 post at Infernal Wonders, and which came into the tumblr ecosystem via this Pulp Covers post.

If you’re so inclined you can read and download this magazine at the Internet Archive. And let’s not forget that the Archive is a magnificent free Internet resource supported by user donations: please donate to them if you can.

Working for tips

This image is Just the tip, and is part of a sequence of images in an imagined world where scientists keep the horny beast shown here in a chamber with a generous provision for observation. You can see one of our adventurous lady scientist’s colleagues observing through the glass even here. They are the work of an artist who goes by the simple and appropriate handle “madscientist,” who has a site at Hentai Foundry.

The image appears here by the kind consent of its creator.

More bikini-girl menaces

This charming scene graced the cover of the Summer 1993 edition of the move fan-mag Femmes Fatales and is reblogged here from this 4 October 2015 post at Infernal Wonders. Because I’m awful, I still own a copy of this magazine, on which the model is identified as “Monique Grassmick,” about whom, I’m sorry to say, I have been able to find out very little.

I blogged the cover in in this 7 December 2014 post, also at Infernal Wonders.