My original tumblr post was here. This image was researched by Bacchus at ErosBlog as part of the “Δ commission.” The research was originally published at Hedonix as “Δ 043 – The Bride Wears White.” Here is what Bacchus found.
Although the blogspot blog in the URL watermark on this image no longer exists, a version in the Internet Archives from 2014 advertises Dan Fabris, “freelance illustrator for hire.”
A version of the subject Bride of Frankenstein artwork also appears in a five-year-old web tee-shirt shop identifying the artist as Dan Fabris of Parkville, Australia.
Confusion in the provenance of this artwork arises from the source URL in the tumblr chain of attribution, which sources the work to “god-awful.deviantart.com” (note the single hyphen). In fact, the work appears in the gallery for DeviantArt artist god[hyphen][hyphen]awful.deviantart.com (that’s a double hyphen that’s impossible to render literally in both WordPress and Tumblr, both of which insist on converting it to an em-dash) where the art is indeed titled “The Bride.” The artist — who gives his name as “Damn Fabris” on DeviantArt — writes:
I recently saw Bride of Frankenstein.
Great movie! She’s such a rad looking character it’s a shame she does fuck all in the flick.
Anyways, here she is!!
Artist Fabris has in the same gallery a related artwork called simply Frankenstein’s Monster: