Tumblr favorite #2538: The girl in the gem


My original tumblr post was here. This image was originally posted by UDHCMH with the following explanatory text:

Astonishing Stories, November 1941.

Not quite a science-fiction-woman-in-a-glass-tube cover but close.

Cover illustrates Wilfred Owen Morley’s “My Lady of the Emerald” in which a scientific expedition travels deep into the wilds of South America seeking traces of a super-civilization that predated Atlantis and Mu. They find an ancient beauty, imprisoned in a jewel, who bewitches them all.

The image comes to us via notpulpcovers.

Little Script and Bespoke Art: The Asianizer

Every now and again I feel the need to write a bit of screenplay, and Shon’s observation on Austin Grove’s rather problematic erotic predilections somehow inspired me to get in touch with my inner Michael O’Donoghue and write a little satire. At least, I think it’s a satire. Other perfectly respectable people might think I’m just indulging in racial fetishes and misogyny for my own sick amusement. C’est la guerre. Anyway, those of you who grew up in the United States in the 1970s and watched those over-loud television commercials for various apparently-miraculous life-problem solving products you could send away for by mail order (e.g. those of Ronco and the like) will probably readily recognize the strange little genre to which this short script belongs (you can mouse-over and use the control buttons at the bottom of the image to page through the script):


Naturally it seemed wrong that I should just have black-and-white text to illustrate such a concept, so I commissioned Frans Mensink to bring it out in glorious living color:

Not a trick! Not a disguise, but an amazing thorough transformation!

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