Pulp Art recreation: Suspension

Bespoke Art Volume 3 Now in the Archive
Pulp Art Re-creation: Alien Rescue


A re-creation by a newcomer to Erotic Mad Science, Horst Dounichdy-Glokken.



Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.



The cover of Dime Mystery Magazine (March 1938). Unfortunately I haven’t been able to identify the original artist. I originally blogged the image at Strung up and Statufied at Infernal Wonders.

The Artist

Horst Dounichdy-Glokken, born 1972 in Oberhoffen-sur-Moder, Alsace, studied Communications Design and Psychology in Brussels and Berlin. She works as a freelance consultant for politicians and business leaders. Under her male pseudonym Horst Dounichdy-Glokken she has been publishing erotic comics with German S/M magazine Schlagzeilen, Weissblech Comics and French publisher La Musardine since 2011. She maintains a professional website here.

3 thoughts on “Pulp Art recreation: Suspension

  1. Umm… What happened to the original Dime Mystery Magazine image? It’s turned into Uncanny Tales!

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