2015 Squick or Squee Week V: Les Coupeurs de Têtes

2015 Squick or Squee Week IV: L'homme qui a tué la mort
2015 Squick or Squee Week VI: La sorcière


Horst Dounichdy-Glokken re-imagines some poor woman lost in a green hell.



Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.



The Artist and a Note

Horst Dounichdy-Glokken, born 1972 in Oberhoffen-sur-Moder, Alsace, studied Communications Design and Psychology in Brussels and Berlin. She works as a freelance consultant for politicians and business leaders. Under her male pseudonym Horst Dounichdy-Glokken she has been publishing erotic comics with German S/M magazine Schlagzeilen, Weissblech Comics and French publisher La Musardine since 2011. She maintains a professional website here.

A larger version of this art is expected to be published at the Internet Archive in November.