Tumblr favorite #1794: Vegas is a bit much


Original post here. This image was researched by Bacchus at ErosBlog as part of the “Γ commission.” The research was originally published at Hedonix as “Γ 024 – A Vision Of Vegas. Here is what Bacchus found.

This artwork bears the signature of Frank Frazetta, the legendary fantasy artist who painted so many delightfully lurid book and magazine covers from the 1960s through the 1990s. Multiple sources identify it as the painting Las Vegas (1979). The painting appeared on the cover of Schwermetall #51. (ComicsVine identifies Schwermetall as “Heavy Metal, the German version”; however this art did not appear on the cover of Heavy Metal #51 in English.)

Tumblr favorite #1793: Saving on the costume budget


Original post here. This image was researched by Bacchus at ErosBlog as part of the “Γ commission.” The research was originally published at Hedonix as “Γ 023 – Michelle Angelo’s Ray Gun.” Here is what Bacchus found.

The model in this vintage softcore sci-fi porn photograph is identified here as Michelle Angelo, a 1960s pinup model, topless dancer, and actress in at least three movies according to her IMDB profile. This blog post calls her “The most photographed woman of the 1960s” and is the first in a five-part series of posts that reproduce her photos from numerous adult magazines. A forum post here identifies several B movies and nudist 8mm loops in which she appeared, and shows this same image without identifying its source. A fourteen page thread on another forum with many unsourced pictures offers a post with three more pictures of “Sci-fi Michelle” that seem as if they may be from the same set:

g023b-michelle-angelo-03 g023c-michelle-angelo-02 g023d-michelle-angelo-01

Tumblr favorite #1792: A droid we’re looking for

g022a-kit-artoo-01 g022b-kit-artoo-02

Original post here. This image was researched by Bacchus at ErosBlog as part of the “Γ commission.” The research was originally published at Hedonix as “Γ 022 – In And Out Of Her R2-D2 Dress.” Here is what Bacchus found.

These are images of “Kit” that she posted to her Switchy Little Princess tumblr (see her “Yours Truly” tag for more pictures of her). Her FAQ with more information about her is here; it’s notable for the advice “I got my followers by getting naked. Why don’t you try the same?” She would appear to be wearing the Artoo 2.0 digital print dress.

Tumblr favoite #1791: Favorite Pastimes


Original post here. This image was researched by Bacchus at ErosBlog as part of the “Γ commission.” The research was originally published at Hedonix as “Γ 021 – Favorite Pastimes.” Here is what Bacchus found.

This image is an artwork by cartoonist and painter Pablo Gallo. He published it here on his blog as part of a set:


His caption indicates that it’s an illustration from his 2010 book, El libro del voyeur (The Book Of The Voyeur). Elsewhere on his blog there’s a video “trailer” for the book offering glimpses of more illustrations from the book.

Tumblr favorite #1790: Attack on Synth


Original post here. This image was researched by Bacchus at ErosBlog as part of the “Γ commission.” The research was originally published at Hedonix as “Γ 020 – An Attack On Synth.” Here is what Bacchus found:

According to this web page, the image is part of a comic page from the Marvel series Doctor Strange II. The character shown is Synth, who appeared in Dr Strange II Nos. 69, 71,72, and 73. This artwork appeared on page 8 of #69 (February 1985). There’s a different crop available showing slightly more of the action, and making it clear that Synth is under a mental attack in the panel shown:


Gnosis Pharmacology: Chapter Four, Page Fourteen


Everybody is monitored by multiple somebodies.

Translation notes

Okay, for those of you for whom this is hard to read, I’ll offer some translated lines of the Arabic-language dialog.

  1. “Sir, I’ve picked up a wire transfer from the United States to a family in Ramallah.”
  2. “Anything intrinsically suspicious?”
  3. “Not with the family, but they do have a cousin at Gnosis College, near where the transfer originated.”
  4. “Anything that happens at that damn place is intrinsically suspicious.”
  5. “Increase our monitoring priority, Lieutenant.”
  6. “Yes, sir.”

Working out the meaning of the Hebrew-langugae dialog on the previous page I shall leave as an exercise for all you bright readers.


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Tumblr favorite #1789: Remilia’s metal wings


Original post here. This image was researched by Bacchus at ErosBlog as part of the “Γ commission.” The research was originally published at Hedonix as “Γ 019 – Remilia’s Metal Wings.” Here is what Bacchus found.

This artwork is titled レミリア (machine-translates to “Remilia) by うどんやきりい (machine-translates to “The Kirii and Udon”) on Pixiv. Among the machine-translated tags we find “Remilia Scarlet”, who (according to this wiki entry) is a vampire character in several video games in the Touhou Project, which in turn is “the world’s most prolific fan-made shooter series.” Remilia has the power to shapeshift into a bat, but “her wings remain visible even when she is in human form, making it impossible to pass herself off completely as a human.” It is unclear whether the cyborg-style wings in this artwork are canonical in appearance, or are the artist’s whimsical reinterpretation of the character. There are nine pages on Pixiv of other artworks with the same Remilia Scarlet tag, with a great diversity of depictions.

Tumblr favorite #1788: Tanning with Madison Ivy


Original post here. When I first saw this, I thought “Real life sci-fi tube girl!” (Because let’s face it, that’s what I would think. Because it lacked tumblr provenance, however, I had it by researched Bacchus at ErosBlog as part of the “Γ commission.” What he found — and what was originally published at Hedonix as “Γ 018 – Tanning With Madison Ivy,” was a little different:

This photo of porn actress Madison Ivy in a tanning booth was posted by her to her Tumblr. It’s captioned “So Hot & Lonely in here… sambirdracing should come join me! Spotted u during the #FP2 I got my eye on u now. You’ve been #DickWishListed”.

For more information about Madison Ivy, see her bio at IMDB or her XVideos profile. Her “about me” on Tumblr reads:

I’m just a blazed gamer artist, who enjoys the 6 B’s in life, blunts, buttholes, beers, books, boys and bubble baths. You may hate, but once my maryjane gets inside you its all love.