Apprendre le français XLVIII: Appât Page 51

Apprendre le français XLVII: Appât Page 50
Apprendre le français XLIX: Appât Page 52

PAGE 51 (Single panel page – color)

Single panel: Eliza assumes a position, vertical in the water, the sun shining down from the surface, the water blue around her, her arms outstretched, her hair streaming in the water, her eyes closed, her expression blissful.

CAPTION – FUZZY BOX INDICATING RECOVERED SPEECH (1): rrrzz…so peaceful and calm…pop!

Translation (1): rrrzz…si paisible et calme…pop !

SUBTITLE (2): Recovered drone footage.

Translation (2): Film récupéré du drone.

Appât (Français/Version longue page)
Appât (Français/Version slider)