Aprender español XXVII: Carnada 026

La tecnología avanza en la lucha contra el monstruo de tentáculos.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 26 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Professor Turpentine, sitting in a cramped academic office. Behind him are shelves stacked with books and papers. He’s wearing a rumpled tweed jacket and being interviewed behind his desk.

Turpentine (1): This creature, whatever it is, is highly intelligent. It can evade ordinary capture methods with ease. It also generates electromagnetic and subsonic fields that interfere with underwater communications. And it even cuts control cables.

Translation (1): Esta criatura, sea lo que sea, es muy inteligente. Puede evadir con facilidad los métodos comunes de captura. También genera campos electromagnéticos y subsónicos que interfieren con las comunicaciones bajo el agua. E incluso corta los cables de control.

SUBTITLE (2): Professor Eustace Turpentine, Innsmouth Institute for Marine Research.

Translation (2): Profesor Eustace Turpentine, Instituto de Investigación Marina de Innsmouth.

Panel 2: CLAUDIA HONEYWOOD (“Claudia”) holds in her hands a submersible drone – and underwater swimming robot about the size of a toaster, in her hands, holding it forth for the camera to take a picture of. Claudia is a very attractive woman, but she downplays her attractiveness, being here in a set of coveralls, her long brown hear drawn back in a bun, and here wearing heavy safety glasses. (When Claudia is not wearing these glasses she wears other glasses that make her look a bit dorky, or at least as dorky as a beautiful person can be.)

CAPTION – TURPENTINE NARRATING (3): But recently, artificial intelligence has advanced to the point where we can make effective autonomous underwater drones.

Translation (3): Pero recientemente, la inteligencia artificial ha avanzado hasta el punto en que podemos hacer drones submarinos autónomos eficientes.

Panel 3: Claudia on board ship in another cramped control room, this time also looking at a monitor. Claudia is now dressed in a white coat and is wearing glasses with heavy dark frames.

CAPTION – TURPENTINE NARRATING (4): The creature leaves the drones alone for some reason. These drones can also penetrate the deep trenches where the creature likes to lurk.

Translation (4): A la criatura no parecen molestarle los drones por alguna razón. Estos drones también pueden adentrarse en las fosas profundas donde le gusta ocultarse a la criatura.

Panel 4: A murky image of the creature, a sort of giant squidlike thing with one large siphon (big enough for someone to fit down) and a large number of tentacles of all sorts and shapes.

CAPTION – TURPENTINE NARRATING (5): Thanks to these clever little machines, we now have a good sense of the gross morphology of the creature.

Translation (5): Gracias a estas pequeñas máquinas inteligentes, ahora tenemos una idea de la morfología general de la criatura.

  Carnada (Español/Versión de página larga)
Carnada (Español/Versión deslizante)

Suiting up

The May 1953 cover of Startling Stories by Walter Popp might not be the most distinguished entry in the pulp cover canon, even in the somewhat-improved quality available at via the Internet Speculative Fiction Database:

The issue is well worth attention, though, thanks to two outstanding examples of Virgil Finlay’s work, illustrating Fletcher Pratt’s story “The Conditioned Captain.” First here:

And then here:

This issue is available to read and download at the Internet Archive.

Aprender español XXVI: Carnada 025

Tal vez la ciencia pueda hacer algo con respecto al monstruo de tentáculos.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 25 (Four panels)

Panel 1: A U.S. Navy corvette cruising by Motofupo.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (1): The Navy searched the waters around the spot of Phoebe Petrobux’s disappearance but could find nothing.

Translation (1): La Marina buscó en las aguas cercanas al lugar de la desaparición de Phoebe Petrobux, pero no encontraron nada.

Panel 2: Barron Sr., looking proundly aged, is sitting at his ornate desk in his office. He is holding a pen and looking down at a document in the middle of his desk, holding a pen in one hand and about to sign. Over one shoulder a HIGH-PRICED LAWYER is pointing to where on the document he should sign. Barron Jr., now about fourteen years-old, looks on over his father’s other shoulder. We should be able to see Barron Jr.’s Distinguishing Feature.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (2): A bereaved Barron Petrobux set aside a large part of his wealth to create a foundation to study and attempt to capture whatever creature had taken away his daughter.

Translation (2): El afligido Barron Petrobux reservó una gran parte de su riqueza para crear una fundación para estudiar e intentar capturar al monstruo que se había llevado a su hija.

Panel 3: A group of scientists pushing a large unmanned submersible off the back of a small research ship in the waters around Motofupo.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (3): At the next nineteen year-interval, in 2000, a team of scientists attempted to find the creature when it was expected to rise again.

Translation (3): Diecinueve años más tarde, en el año 2000, un equipo de científicos intentó encontrar al monstruo cuando se esperaba que volviera a aparecer.

Panel 4: Two scientists in white coats staring at a screen in a control panel, inside a cramped research vessel cabin. One is seated, the other looking over the should of the other, taking notes. The seated one is throwing up his hands in frustration.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (4): The results of the scientists’ research were inconclusive and frustrating.

Translation (4): Los resultados de la investigación de los científicos fueron inciertos y frustrantes.

  Carnada (Español/Versión de página larga)
Carnada (Español/Versión deslizante)

Aprender español XXV: Carnada 024

El capitán MacMurdie explica un error cometido por la Marina.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 24 (Four panels)

Panel 1: CARSON MACMURDIE (“MacMurdie”) an elderly but dignified-looking man (a retired U.S. Navy officer) in an interview pose.

MacMurdie (1): Well, it was a fuckup, that’s what it was.

Comment (1): A “fuckup” is a coarse and colloquial way of describing “a big, consequential mistake.”

Translation (1): Bueno, metieron la pata, no te quepa duda.

SUBTITLE – IDENTIFIER (2): Capt. Carson MacMurdie, USN, Ret.

Comment (2): “Capt.” is an abbreviation for “Captain,” in this case a relatively senior rank in the United States Navy, often a commander of a large vessel. “USN” is an abbreviation for “United States Navy” and “Ret.” indicates that he is retired.

Translation (2): Capitán Carson MacMurdie, Marina de los Estados Unidos, retirado.

Panel 2: A photograph of two U.S. Navy officers in Second World War-era uniforms surveying a table of maps, documents, photographs.

CAPTION – MACMURDIE NARRATING (3): There was an investigation into the disappearance of those nurses in 1943, but its conclusion was too weird and disturbing to be circulated. So the report was classified top secret and the area simply closed off.

Translation (3): Se llevó a cabo una investigación de la desaparición de esas enfermeras en 1943, pero su conclusión fue demasiado extraña e inquietante como para darla a conocer. Así que el informe se clasificó como ultra secreto y la zona simplemente fue cerrada.

Panel 3: External view of a large warehouse.

CAPTION – MACMURDIE NARRATING (4): By thirty-eight years later, everyone had forgotten why the area was closed, and the report was buried deep in some Navy archive. Anyone connected with the investigation had died or moved on. Nobody bothered to go back to the records and check.

Translation (4): Treinta y ocho años después, todos habían olvidado por qué habían cerrado la zona, y el informe había quedado enterrado en lo profundo de algún archivo de la Marina. Cualquier persona relacionada con la investigación había muerto o pasado a hacer otra cosa. Nadie se molestó en volver a revisar los registros.

Panel 4: MacMurdie in interview pose again.

MacMurdie (5): So when Mr. Rich and Powerful showed up and said he wanted to yacht in those waters, the Navy just replied “Yes, sir” and gave him a permit.

Translation (5): Entonces, cuando el Sr. Rico y Poderoso apareció y dijo que quería navegar en esas aguas, la Marina simplemente respondió: “Sí, señor” y le dio un permiso.

MacMurdie (6): Too bad about the poor girl…

Translation (6): Una lástima lo de la pobre chica…

  Carnada (Español/Versión de página larga)
Carnada (Español/Versión deslizante)

Bad robot!

This metal-man has a ray gun, shoots lasers out of his eyes, and is strong enough to abduct a scantily-clad human female with only his left arm. Pretty dangerous! He’s the creation of Earle Bergey for the cover of the January 1950 issue of Startling Stories. Meanwhile the interior has an illustration that is uncredited as far as I can tell, and is quite voeyeristic (who’s looking through what?). It’s proportions are such that, properly reduced, it too might make a nifty bookmakr.

This issue of Startling Stories is available to be read and downloaded from the Intenet Archive.