Aprender español LXXV: Carnada 079

Aprender español LXXIV: Carnada 075-078
Aprender español LXXVI: Carnada 080
Los moralistas van a moralizar, sin importar a quién lastimen o cuánto lastimen.

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PAGE 79 (Two panels)

Panel 1: A group of protesters standing on a city street. They’re a mixed bunch, including some hippie types, some older people soberly dressed, and at least one knot of nuns in habit. The are carrying signs with slogans WOMEN AREN’T PET FOOD! STOP FRANKENSTEIN “SCIENCE”! and CHOOSE LIFE!

Protesters (jagged balloon over all, indicating the crowd chanting) (1): Stop this madness! Stop this madness!

Translation (1): ¡Detengan esta locura! ¡Detengan esta locura!

CAPTION — pseudo narration (2): The appearance of angry protesters complicates arrangements for a memorial for Eliza, Daphne, and Claudia.

Translation (2): La aparición de manifestantes enojados complica los preparativos para una ceremonia conmemorativa para Eliza, Daphne y Claudia.

Panel 2: View of [redacted].

CAPTION — pseudo-narration (3): Eventually, a small midwestern college agrees to make its facilities available for a discreet observation.

Comment (3): “Midwestern” is an American expression for a large central region of the United States roughly north of the Ohio and Missouri Rivers, west of Pennsylvania an east of the Great Plains. Roughly the states of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota, perhaps the northern half of Missouri and the eastern halves of Kansas, Nebraska, and the Dakotas as well.

Translation (3): Finalmente, una pequeña universidad del medio oeste pone a disposición sus instalaciones para una ceremonia discreta.

  Carnada (Español/Versión de página larga)
Carnada (Español/Versión deslizante)