Aprender español LXXVI: Carnada 080

Aprender español LXXV: Carnada 079
Aprender español LXXVII: Carnada 081
¿Os gustaría aprender los secretos del mar?

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PAGE 80 (Single panel page)

Single panel (1): This is a long view from back seats down to the stage of a space modeled after [redacted].

Down on the stage a UU MINISTER, who is conducting the service, is reading at a lectern. A table has been set up on the stage with flowers and head-shot photographs of Eliza, Daphne, and Claudia). The theater, which seats about 400 people in its normal configuration, is full in the somber dress appropriate to the occasion. The UU Minister is a plump, pleasant-faced, middle-aged woman in ministerial robes.

UU Minister (1): The depths of seas have always inspired a sense of awe. More than a century ago, Longfellow wrote:

“Would’st thou,” so the helmsman answered,

“Learn the secret of the sea?

Only those who brave its dangers>

Comprehend its mystery!”

Comment (1): The minister is quoting from the American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882), specifically his poem “The Secret of the Sea.” If there exists a well-known literary translation of his lines in the public domain in your target language, you may substitute it for your own translation.

Translation (1): Las profundidades de los mares han inspirado siempre una sensación de asombro. Hace más de un siglo, Longfellow escribió:

“¿Os gustaría – respondió el timonel –

“aprender los secretos del mar?

¡Sólo aquellos que desafían sus peligros

comprenden su misterio!”

  Carnada (Español/Versión de página larga)
Carnada (Español/Versión deslizante)