Aprenda português XXIII: A Isca 024

Aprenda português XXII: A Isca 023
Aprenda português XXIV: A Isca 025
O Capitão MacMurdie explica o equívoco da marinha.

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PAGE 24 (Four panels)

Panel 1: CARSON MACMURDIE (“MacMurdie”) an elderly but dignified-looking man (a retired U.S. Navy officer) in an interview pose.

MacMurdie (1): Well, it was a fuckup, that’s what it was.

Comment (1): A “fuckup” is a coarse and colloquial way of adescribing “a big, consequential mistake.”

Translation (1): Bem, foi uma cagada, isto sim.

SUBTITLE – IDENTIFIER (2): Capt. Carson MacMurdie, USN, Ret.

Comment (2): “Capt.” is an abbreviation for “Captain,” in this case a relatively senior rank in the United States Navy, often a commander of a large vessel. “USN” is an abbreviation for “United States Navy” and “Ret.” indicates that he is retired.

Translation (2): Cap. Carson MacMurdie, USN, Ret.

Panel 2: A photograph of two U.S. Navy officers in Second World War-era uniforms surveying a table of maps, documents, photographs.

CAPTION – MACMURDIE NARRATING (3): There was an investigation into the disappearance of those nurses in 1943, but its conclusion was too weird and disturbing to be circulated. So the report was classified top secret and the area simply closed off.

Translation (3): CAPTION – MACMURDIE NARRATING (3): Houve uma investigação sobre o desaparecimento das enfermeiras em 1943, mas a conclusão também foi estranha e muito perturbadora para ser publicada. Então, o relatório foi considerado de máximo sigilo e a área foi simplesmente interditada.

Panel 3: External view of a large warehouse.

CAPTION – MACMURDIE NARRATING (4): By thirty-eight years later, everyone had forgotten why the area was closed, and the report was buried deep in some Navy archive. Anyone connected with the investigation had died or moved on. Nobody bothered to go back to the records and check.

Translation (4): Trinta e oito anos mais tarde, todos já havia esquecido por que a área tinha sido interditada, e o relatório foi enterrado nas profundezas de algum arquivo da marinha. Todas as pessoas ligadas às investigações já haviam morrido ou se mudado para longe. Ninguém se incomodou em reabrir os registros e verificá-los.

Panel 4: MacMurdie in interview pose again.

MacMurdie (5): So when Mr. Rich and Powerful showed up and said he wanted to yacht in those waters, the Navy just replied “Yes, sir” and gave him a permit.

Translation (5): Então, quando o Sr. Rico e Poderoso apareceu e disse que queria um iate naquelas águas, a marinha simplesmente disse “sim, senhor” e autorizou o acesso.

MacMurdie (6): Too bad about the poor girl…

Translation (6): Pior para a pobre moça…

  A Isca (Português/Versão em página longa)
A Isca (Português/Versão em carrossel)