Impariamo l’italiano XXVII: Esca 028

Impariamo l'italiano XXVI: Esca 027
Impariamo l'italiano XXVIII: Esca 029
Daphne Bosselseg vuole far parte della storia della scienza.

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PAGE 28 (Four panels)

Panel 1: DAPHNE BOSSELSEG (“Daphne”) sits in a coffeehouse, being interviewed. There is coffee on the table in front of her. Daphne is a dark-haired, dark-eyed, intense-looking youngish woman who wears a dark cable sweater and blue jeans.

Daphne (1): The bitter truth is, I’m facing a lifetime of asking “Do you want fries with that?”

Comment (1): “Do you want fries with that? Is a stock phrase in American English, the question asked by a fast-food counter worker. By extension, to have to ask the question means having a poorly-paid, unenjoyable, and low-status job. It can be translated either literally or with an equivalent phrase in the target language.

Translation (1): L’amara verità è che sto passando una vita intera chiedendo “Ci vuoi anche le patatine?”

SUBTITLE (2): Daphne Bosselseg, prospective subject.

Translation (2): Daphne Bosselseg, soggetto prospettico.

Panel 2: Front panel of the first edition of Galileo’s Dialogue Concerning the Two World Systems, over which are layered the captions of Daphne speaking.

CAPTION – DAPHNE NARRATING (3): I wrote an award-winning Ph.D. dissertation in the history of science. “One of the best of your generation,” my advisors told me.

Translation (3): Ho scritto una dissertazione per il Ph.D. premiato in storia della scienza. “Una delle migliori della tua generazione”, mi hanno detto i miei consulenti.

CAPTION – DAPHNE NARRATING (4): But thanks to yahoo state legislators and asshole STEM billionaires, there’s no funding for humanistic research like that anymore.

Comment (4): “Yahoo” is an American colloquial expression for a crude, ill-educated, and unsophisticated person, usually one of rural or small-town origins. “STEM” is an acronym for “science, technology, engineering, and mathematics,” and in this context might refer to someone who got rich making technology, but who is ignorant and also likely contemptuous of humanistic learning.

Translation (4): Ma grazie ai rozzi legislatori statali e agli stronzi miliardari della Scienza, Tecnologia, Ingegneria e Matematica, non c’è più alcun finanziamento per una ricerca umanistica del genere.

Panel 3: Daphne back in interview position. She looks glum and pensive.

Daphne (5): No one with money wants to fund knowledge anymore. They all want universities that do nothing but make a compliant corporate workforce.

Translation (5): Chi possiede fondi non vuole più finanziare la conoscenza. Tutti vogliono delle università che creino solo una forza lavoro aziendale accondiscendente.

Panel 4: Daphne being interviewed. She has brightened up, just a little.

Daphne (6): But now I have a chance at something.

Translation (6): Ma ora ho la possibilità di fare qualcosa.

Daphne (7): If I can’t write part of the history of science, then perhaps I can be part of the history of science.

Translation (7): Se non posso scrivere una parte della storia della scienza, allora forse posso essere parte della storia della scienza.

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