Приманка 066

Приманка 065
Приманка 067
Как насчет науки? Неужели вы не любите науку?

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PAGE 66 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Turpentine facing the door, speaking to it.

Turpentine (1): At this point, the expedition simply cannot succeed without you. There just isn’t anyone else with the right…attributes, and it will be nineteen more years before anyone has another chance.

Translation (1): На данном этапе экспедиция просто не сможет достичь успеха без вас. Никто, кроме вас, не обладает необходимыми, э-э…атрибутами и, прежде чем у кого-либо появится другой шанс, пройдет девятнадцать лет.

Panel 2: Turpentine still facing the door, with his hands up in a pleading gesture.

Turpentine (2): In recognition of what we’re asking of you, the species will be named after you. Gynophagos honeywoodiae. How does that sound?

Translation (2): В знак признательности вид будет назван в вашу честь. Gynophagos honeywoodiae – неплохо звучит, а?

Panel 3: Claudia still on her bunk. This is another “surveillance video” panel. In this panel Claudia’s eyes are in an angry squint The precise nature of this squint should be drawn as distinctively as possible and noted (thus as the “Angry Squint”) as it will reappear in another context below.

Claudia (3): Fuck off!

Translation (3): Отвали!

SUBTITLE (4): Internal surveillance video.

Translation (4): Запись системы наблюдения.

Panel 4: Turpentine addressing the door.

Turpentine (5): Think about it.

Translation (5): Подумайте об этом.

Turpentine (6): Please.

Translation (6): Пожалуйста.

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