Auto-Icon Storyboard 156

Auto-Icon Storyboard 155
Auto-Icon Storyboard 157

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A tour?


The point being that any story Ms. Chen will tell out of school about us will inevitably mix in details she learned while working here with those she deduced before working here, which will make it far easier for us to invoke the non-disclosure agreement.


The three men laugh, then Harry turns serious as he opens the leather folder on his desk.


We have a complete report here, and in its way it does not make our lives any easier.

Harry pulls a pair of reading glasses out of a desk drawer and puts them on, then begins reading.


Ms. Chen is in excellent physical health, no significant issues noted. Her finances were actually pretty good even before she was employed here. And our screens turned up no mental health issues. Her only major life trauma is the loss of her parents at the age of twelve and she appears to have gone through a normal cycle of bereavement and acceptance about that. She’s not depressed, not bipolar, does not have anxiety disorder, shows no indicators of suicide risk, and has no substance abuse issues.


Must be nice to be some people.


Certainly we can’t just write this girl off as a madwoman.


So what do we do now?


Ordinarily I’d just say we sit on her, but…




The future of humanity is at stake.

(takes off his reading glasses)

We are owed a favor by someone very high up. So it is time to call the favor in by asking them to read a report and its recommendation.

Please do not reproduce this storyboard or its associated screenplay text without permission from Faustus, who may be contacted here.