Köder 014

Das Verschwinden hübscher Krankenschwestern wurde von der Marine vertuscht.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 14 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Hazel in interview pose, now slumped backwards.

Hazel (1): And she wasn’t the only one. Two more of us also disappeared in almost exactly the same way.

Translation (1): Doch sie war nicht die einzige. Zwei weitere Mädchen verschwanden auf fast die gleiche Weise.

Panel 2: A fat folder containing official reports, sealed and with a large stenciled word CLASSIFIED stamped across it

CAPTION – HAZEL NARRATING (2): The Navy ordered us not to talk about it. They said it would be bad for morale.

Translation (2): Die Navy ordnete an, dass wir nicht darüber sprechen durften. Sie sagten, dass sei schlecht für die Moral.

CAPTION – HAZEL NARRATING (3): People asked fewer questions about orders back then, you know.

Translation (3): Früher stellte man Befehle weniger in Frage, wissen Sie?

Panel 3: A panel showing the Bride’s dive in the water, as if taken from the Scelleratini film of 1905, a split second after the scene on Page 5, Panel 4 above, such that the Bride has broken the surface of the water, and has submerged down to her waist.

CAPTION – HAZEL NARRATING (4): I tried not to think of it much myself, but in the late 1970s, I think, I saw a film clip of film made by some Italian people of the same place from long, long ago. I think it was on PBS late at night.

Comment (4): “PBS” stands for “Public Broadcasting System,” an American television network funded by a combination of government, corporate, and listener contributions. It has a focus on education and high-culture television and is not sponsored by advertisers like most of the rest of American broadcast television.

Translation (4): Ich versuchte, nicht so sehr daran zu denken, aber…ich glaube es war in den späten 1970er Jahren, da sah ich diesen Filmausschnitt von Italienern, die vor langer, langer Zeit auch dort gewesen waren. Ich glaube, das war auf PBS.

Panel 4: A panel showing a front page of the Dallas Morning News for Tuesday, October 6, 1981. A large part of the front page would be a posed formal picture of PHOEBE PETROBUX (a very pretty and probably blond teenager, who we’ll see more of below) under the headline TEXAS TEEN STILL MISSING IN SOUTH PACIFIC. (Possible filler headlines, taken from real world history for that day that could be included for verisimilitude, could be RAOUL WALLERBERG MADE HONORARY U.S. CITIZEN and REVEREND SUN MYUNG MOON INDICTED FOR TAX EVASION).

CAPTION – HAZEL NARRATING (5): And then we all read that terrible story about the poor girl from Texas.

Translation (5): Und dann lasen wir alle die schreckliche Geschichte über das arme Mädchen aus Texas.

 Köder (Deutsch/Langseitige Version)
Köder (Deutsch/Dia-Version)

Toozie’s Sacrifice 13

Toozie lifted up to the creature's feeding orifice.

The thirteenth in the illustration series Toozie’s Sacrifice The series was commissioned by me and done by the artist Dark Vasili. It is concept art for a screenplay on which I am working with the tentative title of Auto-Icon.

f you support this artist on patreon as I do, you can get access to the artist’s galleries of exquisitely-rendered (some of it very NSFW) work.

This image is available in high resolution: click on the image to load or right-click to download.

Please do not republish this image or create derivative works from it or the story of which it is part without my permission.

Learning from Elders: Chapter 11, Page 18

Raz Chen is profoundly dismayed at what Millie and Stan have helped Chiara to do, but his is interrupted in his outrage by a knock at the door.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

If you want or need to, you can catch up on the entire story to date by either going to the first page and navigating through page-by-page using the arrows at the top, or you can read the story ten pages at a time by opening the Learning from Elders category on this site.

Köder 013

Die Marine arrangierte die Badezeit für sexy Krankenschwestern.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 13 (Four panels)

Panel 1: A pretty Navy nurse in the act of taking off her uniform shirt, exposing her brassiere. She is standing on the beach next to a sign which reads BEACH STRICTLY OFF LIMITS TO ALL MALE PERSONNEL.

CAPTION – HAZEL NARRATING (1): The Shore Patrol would close the beach off once a week just for us nurses.

Comment (1): The “Shore Patrol” (SP) are an internal police force for the United States Navy, roughly equivalent to the military police in an army.

Translation (1): Die Küstenwache riegelte den Strand einmal die Woche für uns Krankenschwestern ab.

Panel 2: The shirt of the nurse in Panel 1 flying toward the viewer. The panel should imply that it is part of a movie being filmed and that Panel 1 was an earlier frame in the same, but the nurse has noticed that she was being filmed an, in chagrin, has tossed her shirt at the camera lens, which it is about to cover.

CAPTION – HAZEL NARRATING (2): Since it was only us girls, we didn’t bother putting on bathing suits. It was wonderful to be out in the water like that.

Translation (2): Da wir Mädels unter uns waren, brauchten wir keine Badeanzüge. Es war herrlich, das Wasser so am Körper zu spüren.

Panel 3: Another interview shot of Hazel, whose expression has darkened a bit over that in Panel 1.

Hazel (3): But then the disappearances began. This was in 1943. One of them was my cabinmate, Willa Congerman.

Translation (3): Doch dann begannen immer mehr Mädchen zu verschwinden. Das war 1943. Eine war meine Kabinengenossin Willa Congerman.

Panel 4: Head-and-shoulders shot of WILLA CONGERMAN (“Willa”) in the dress uniform of a Navy nurse (shoulder epaulets indicating that she has has the rank of Ensign). If possible it should be taken as a detail from Page 10, Panel 1 above.

CAPTION – HAZEL NARRATING (4): She just went swimming one day and…disappeared. She was a really strong swimmer, and it was a perfectly calm day with no tides. No one heard her call in distress.

Translation (4):Sie ging eines Tages baden und…verschwand. Sie war eine wirklich gute Schwimmerin und das Meer war an diesem Tag sehr ruhig. Niemand hörte, dass sie um Hilfe rief.

CAPTION – HAZEL NARRATING (5): Some said it might have been a cramp, but no one ever found a body. And there weren’t any sharks in the area.

Translation (5): Manche meinten, es war vielleicht ein Krampf, aber ihre Leiche wurde nie gefunden. Und es gab auch keine Haie in diesem Gebiet.

 Köder (Deutsch/Langseitige Version)
Köder (Deutsch/Dia-Version)

Toozie’s Sacrifice 12

Tentacles in deep, all through Toozie's body.

The xx in the illustration series Toozie’s Sacrifice The series was commissioned by me and done by the artist Dark Vasili. It is concept art for a screenplay on which I am working with the tentative title of Auto-Icon.

f you support this artist on patreon as I do, you can get access to the artist’s galleries of exquisitely-rendered (some of it very NSFW) work.

This image is available in high resolution: click on the image to load or right-click to download.

Please do not republish this image or create derivative works from it or the story of which it is part without my permission.

Learning from Elders: Chapter 11, Page 17

Chiara activates the Erotopylon with orgasm and is vaporized, transported to somewhere...  Meanwhile Hiram DeVries and Rafael Vasquez comment on hos this is a bureaucratic problem.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

If you want or need to, you can catch up on the entire story to date by either going to the first page and navigating through page-by-page using the arrows at the top, or you can read the story ten pages at a time by opening the Learning from Elders category on this site.

Köder 012

Ein Stützpunkt der US Navy bedeutet hübsche Krankenschwestern der US Navy.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 12 (Two panels)

Panel 1: A “group photograph” panel of about a dozen U.S. Navy nurses in dress uniform, smiling and facing the camera. The hair, makeup, and uniforms should be in a style appropriate for 1943. Of them is a 20 year-old Hazel Gluck (see panel below). Her smiling face is surrounded by a circle to distinguish her from the rest of the nurses.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (1): And the presence of a U.S. Navy hospital meant the presence of U.S. Navy nurses. We were able to interview one of the survivors.

Translation (1): Die Errichtung eines Lazaretts hatte natürlich auch die Präsenz von Krankenschwestern der US Navy zur Folge. Wir konnten mit einer der Überlebenden sprechen.

Panel 2: An “interview pose” panel, showing HAZEL GLUCK (“Hazel”). In this panel she is a very aged, frail old lady with thick eyeglasses.

Hazel (2): I remember how when we were first posted to Motofupo, there was this lovely beach with beautiful water to go swimming in.

Translation (2): Ich erinnere mich daran, wie wir an diesem großartigen Strand von Motofupo baden gingen.

SUBTITLE – IDENTIFYING TAG (3): Lt. Hazel Gluck, USN, Ret.

Comment (3): “Lt.” is an abbreviation for “Lieutenant,” the third-from-lowest commissioned officer rank in the United States Navy. “USN” is an abbreviation for “United States Navy” and “Ret.” means “retired,” no longer on active service.

Translation (3): Lt. Hazel Gluck, US Navy, a.D.

 Köder (Deutsch/Langseitige Version)
Köder (Deutsch/Dia-Version)

Toozie’s Sacrifice 11

Among other things, cros sections showing penetrations of Toozie.

The eleventh in the illustration series Toozie’s Sacrifice The series was commissioned by me and done by the artist Dark Vasili. It is concept art for a screenplay on which I am working with the tentative title of Auto-Icon.

f you support this artist on patreon as I do, you can get access to the artist’s galleries of exquisitely-rendered (some of it very NSFW) work.

This image is available in high resolution: click on the image to load or right-click to download.

Please do not republish this image or create derivative works from it or the story of which it is part without my permission.

Köder 011

Der US-Militärimperialismus beseitigt die Bewohner von Motofupo von ihrer Insel.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 11 (Two panels)

Panel 1: A group of Motofupo people, looking grim, are walking up a gangway onto a ship, guarded by some U.S. Marines.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (1): No historical record discloses what happened nineteen years after the Scelleratini brothers made their movie.

Translation (1): Es ist nirgends verzeichnet, was neunzehn Jahre nach dem Film der Brüder Scelleratini geschah.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (2): During World War II, the Motofupo people were compelled to leave their island.

Translation (2): Während des Zweiten Weltkrieges wurden die Bewohner von Motofupo dazu gezwungen, ihre Insel zu verlassen.

Panel 2: A helicopter shot showing a space with quonset huts and the tiny figures of busy Navy personnel scurrying around doing important wartime tasks.

CAPTION – PSUEDO-NARRATION (3): The United States Navy established a base and a field hospital there.

Translation (3): Die US Navy errichtete dort eine Basis und ein Feldlazarett.

 Köder (Deutsch/Langseitige Version)
Köder (Deutsch/Dia-Version)