Aprenda português XXVI: A Isca 027

Para capturar o monstro do mar, uma isca é necessária.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 27 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Turpentine and Claudia stand in front of the vague underwater image of the creature, illuminated with a lightbox as if it were an X-Ray. Both are wearing white coats. Turpentine is pointing to the large siphon-like structure.

Turpentine (1): So, I suppose this structure is actually a specialized feeding orifice.

Translation (1): Então, suponho que essa estrutura seja na verdade um orifício com um mecanismo digestivo.

Claudia (2): When you’ve eliminated all the other possibilities, what remains, however implausible…

Translation (2): Quando você elimina todas as outras possibilidades, o que sobra, apesar de não ser algo plausível…

Panel 2: Turpentine back in his office, being interviewed.

Turpentine (3): Combining what we know from the native folklore and observed behavior and morphology, we seem compelled to conclude that every nineteen years, this creature comes near the surface and wants to eat young women.

Translation (3): Juntando tudo o que sabemos do folclore nativo e tudo o que observamos em termos de comportamento e morfologia, parece que estamos diante de um padrão, segundo o qual, a cada dezenove anos, essa criatura se aproxima da superfície para se alimentar de mulheres jovens.

Panel 3: A closer-in view of the mass of tentacles in the underwater image.

CAPTION – TURPENTINE NARRATING (4): It enmeshes them in tentacles, stimulates them, and eats them. We have no idea why.

Translation (4): Ela envolve suas vítimas com seus tentáculos, as estimula e depois as devora. Não temos ideia do porquê.

CAPTION – TURPENTINE NARRATING (5): Our methods to capture or closely study it have hitherto all failed.

Translation (5): Todos os métodos de captura ou aproximação para estudar a criatura falharam até agora.

Panel 4: Turpentine in his office, being interviewed.

Turpentine (6): We have been pushed to the conclusion that if you want to hook a fish, you have to have…bait.

Translation (6): Turpentine (6): Fomos forçados a concluir que, se você quiser fisgar um peixe, precisa de uma boa… isca.

  A Isca (Português/Versão em página longa)
A Isca (Português/Versão em carrossel)

Aprenda português XXV: A Isca 026

A tecnologia progride na luta contra o monstro dos tentáculos.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 26 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Professor Turpentine, sitting in a cramped academic office. Behind him are shelves stacked with books and papers. He’s wearing a rumpled tweed jacket and being interviewed behind his desk.

Turpentine (1): This creature, whatever it is, is highly intelligent. It can evade ordinary capture methods with ease. It also generates electromagnetic and subsonic fields that interfere with underwater communications. And it even cuts control cables.

Translation (1): Essa criatura, seja lá o que for, é extremamente inteligente. É capaz de se esquivar facilmente de qualquer método de captura ordinário. Ela também gera campos eletromagnéticos e subsônicos que interferem nas comunicações subaquáticas. Ela consegue até mesmo cortar os cabos de controle.

SUBTITLE (2): Professor Eustace Turpentine, Innsmouth Institute for Marine Research.

Translation (2): Professor Eustace Turpentine, Instituto Innsmouth de Pesquisa Marítima.

Panel 2: CLAUDIA HONEYWOOD (“Claudia”) holds in her hands a submersible drone – and underwater swimming robot about the size of a toaster, in her hands, holding it forth for the camera to take a picture of. Claudia is a very attractive woman, but she downplays her attractiveness, being here in a set of coveralls, her long brown hear drawn back in a bun, and here wearing heavy safety glasses. (When Claudia is not wearing these glasses she wears other glasses that make her look a bit dorky, or at least as dorky as a beautiful person can be.)

CAPTION – TURPENTINE NARRATING (3): But recently, artificial intelligence has advanced to the point where we can make effective autonomous underwater drones.

Translation (3): Recentemente, entretanto, a inteligência artificial atingiu um ponto em que podemos enviar drones subaquáticos autônomos muito eficazes.

Panel 3: Claudia on board ship in another cramped control room, this time also looking at a monitor. Claudia is now dressed in a white coat and is wearing glasses with heavy dark frames.

CAPTION – TURPENTINE NARRATING (4): The creature leaves the drones alone for some reason. These drones can also penetrate the deep trenches where the creature likes to lurk.

Translation (4): Por algum motivo, os drones não incomodam a criatura. Esses drones também podem se infiltrar nas fossas profundas em que a criatura gosta de se esconder.

Panel 4: A murky image of the creature, a sort of giant squidlike thing with one large siphon (big enough for someone to fit down) and a large number of tentacles of all sorts and shapes.

CAPTION – TURPENTINE NARRATING (5): Thanks to these clever little machines, we now have a good sense of the gross morphology of the creature.

Translation (5): Graças a essas pequenas máquinas inteligentes, agora podemos ter uma boa ideia da morfologia bruta da criatura.

  A Isca (Português/Versão em página longa)
A Isca (Português/Versão em carrossel)

Aprender español LXXX: Carnada 084

Un llamado a honrar el sacrificio.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 84 (Three panels, long one across the top).

Panel 1: Long view showing the table set out with the portraits of the three women Eliza, Daphne, and Claudia, with other arrangements.

CAPTION – UU Minister speaking (1): Let us think of the women we commemorate today as our Praxithea, Theope, and Eubule.

Translation (1): Pensemos en las mujeres que conmemoramos hoy como nuestras Praxitea, Teope y Eubule.

Panel 2: Close-up of a particular mourner, showing signs of grief. The details are at the artist’s discretion.

CAPTION – UU Minister speaking (2): Let us honor and not disdain their sacrifices.

Translation (2): Honremos y no despreciemos sus sacrificios.

Panel 3: Close-up view on the UU Minister again. Her head is bent forward and her eyes are closed.

CAPTION – UU Minister speaking (3): For is that not what human decency really requires?

Translation (3): Porque, ¿no es eso lo que requiere la decencia humana realmente?

  Carnada (Español/Versión de página larga)
Carnada (Español/Versión deslizante)

Aprender español LXXIV: Carnada 075-078

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 75 (Single panel page, in color)

Single panel: Claudia has been turned around, held in a few of the creature’s tentacles, facing headfirst into the opening of the creature’s feeding siphon. Claudia looks into it with her eyes open wide.

SUBTITLE (1): Magnified and enhanced drone footage.

Translation (1): Imágenes ampliadas y mejoradas del dron.

PAGE 76 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Claudia’s head disappearing into the creature’s feeding siphon.

SUBTITLE (1): Recovered drone footage.

Translation (1): Imágenes recuperadas del dron.

Panel 2: Claudia disappeared into the feeding siphon up to her waist.

SUBTITLE (2): Recovered drone footage.

Translation (2): Imágenes recuperadas del dron.

Panel 3: Just Claudia’s lower legs sticking out of the feeding siphon.

SUBTITLE (3): Recovered drone footage.

Translation (3): Imágenes recuperadas del dron.

Panel 4: Claudia present only as a swelling in the siphon.

SUBTITLE (4): Recovered drone footage.

Translation (4): Imágenes recuperadas del dron.

PAGE 77 (Four panels)

Panel 1: A SAILOR, looking excited, standing on the deck of the RV Seagoon, holding binoculars in one hand and pointing out to sea at something.

Panel 2: A view out to see. In the distance, the Creature, or part of it, appears to be bloated, and floating on the surface.

Panel 3: Another group of SAILORS, on the deck, firing what looks a bit like a cannon off the deck.


Translation (1): ¡BOOM!

Panel 4: A view of the creature, just off the side of the RV Seagoon, tangled in a net.

PAGE 78 (Single panel page)

Single panel: A view from the deck showing the Creature, still stuck in the net, being lifted above the midsection of the ship by the ship’s crane. The Creature is in position to be lowered into the large tank in the middle of the ship. Around the deck, there are crewmen gesturing, presumably helping the crane operator lower the Creature into the tank.

  Carnada (Español/Versión de página larga)
Carnada (Español/Versión deslizante)

Aprender español LXXIII: Carnada 074

Y a pesar de las circunstancias, el sexo es maravilloso.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 74 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Same view as previous page. A tentacle is wrapped around Claudia’s foot.


Translation (1): ¡Oh! ¡Zats… pop!

SUBTITLE (2): Recovered drone footage.

Translation (2): Imágenes recuperadas del dron.

Panel 2: Claudia with her legs wrapped in tentacles up to her waist.


Translation (3): Fuuiiizz… oh… oh… oh…

SUBTITLE (4): Recovered drone footage.

Translation (4): Imágenes recuperadas del dron.

Panel 3: Claudia enmeshed in tentacles up to her shoulders.


Translation (5): Zzzzzzz… oooohhhh…

SUBTITLE (6): Recovered drone footage.

Translation (6): Imágenes recuperadas del dron.

Panel 4: Claudia completely enmeshed in tentacles. Some clearly appear to be penetrating her, and a fat tentacle is in her mouth.

CAPTION – FUZZY BALLOON INDICATING RECOVERED SPEECH (7): …sshsht…is best sex…pop!…ever had…

Translation (7): …Sshsht… es el mejor sexo… pop… que he tenido en mi vida…

SUBTITLE (8): Recovered drone footage.

Translation (8): Imágenes recuperadas del dron.

  Carnada (Español/Versión de página larga)
Carnada (Español/Versión deslizante)

Aprender español LXXII: Carnada 073

¡Qué atractiva que es la casi ex científica!

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 73 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Claudia now taking off her skirt. Her shirt floats somewhere in the water near her.

SUBTITLE (1): Recovered drone footage.

Translation (1): Imágenes recuperadas del dron.

Panel 2: Claudia removing her bra.

SUBTITLE (2): Recovered drone footage.

Translation (2): Imágenes recuperadas del dron.

Panel 3: Claudia removing her panties, her legs bent in the act.

SUBTITLE (3): Recovered drone footage.

Translation (3): Imágenes recuperadas del dron.

Panel 4: Claudia now hovering naked in the water.

CAPTION – FUZZY BOX INDICATING RECOVERED SPEECH (4): zzltaxy…okay come an’ get me…kak!

Translation (4): Zzltaxy… de acuerdo, ¡ven por mí… kak!

SUBTITLE (5): Recovered drone footage.

Translation (5): Imágenes recuperadas del dron.


  Carnada (Español/Versión de página larga)
Carnada (Español/Versión deslizante)

Aprender español LXXI: Carnada 070-072

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 70 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Claudia sitting on the rail of the RV Seagoon, staring pensively out to see for a moment.

Panel 2: Claudia in the act of taking off her glasses.

Panel 3: Close-up of Claudia’s hand having just set her glasses on the rail, in a position where they are staring back at the men on deck.

Panel 4: Turpentine with his arms crossed, looking out, expectantly.

PAGE 71 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Close-up of Claudia’s glasses, “looking back” at Turpentine.

Panel 2: View from the deck of Claudia leaping into the sea. Note that she is still fully clothed as she does this.

Panel 3: A splash from the same P.O.V. as Panel 3 where Claudia has gone into the sea.

Panel 4: View, from behind and beneath of Claudia, still fully clothed, swimming through the ocean water.

SUBTITLE (1): Recovered drone footage.

Translation (1): Imágenes recuperadas del dron.

PAGE 72 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Claudia floating upright underwater, still in her clothes, here eyes closed.

SUBTITLE (1): Recovered drone footage.

Translation (1): Imágenes recuperadas del dron.

Panel 2: Almost exactly the same panel as before, except that here Claudia has opened her eyes.

CAPTION – FUZZY BOX INDICATING RECOVERED SPEECH (2): This is ridiculous zzzt…fwww!

Translation (2): ¡Esto es ridículo zzzt… fvvv!

SUBTITLE (3): Recovered drone footage.

Translation (3): Imágenes recuperadas del dron.

Panel 3: Claudia kicking off her shoes. One should be shown sinking away from her.

SUBTITLE (4): Recovered drone footage.

Translation (4): Imágenes recuperadas del dron.

Panel 4: Claudia in the act of taking off her blouse, which she has unbuttoned.

SUBTITLE (5): Recovered drone footage.

Translation (5): Imágenes recuperadas del dron.

  Carnada (Español/Versión de página larga)
Carnada (Español/Versión deslizante)

Aprender español LXX: Carnada 069

Claudia sale malhumorada.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 69 (Four pages)

Panel 1: Claudia sitting back in her cabin writing a letter at a tiny desk.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (1): Within a few hours, the arrangements are made.

Translation (1): En pocas horas, todo estaba arreglado.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (2): Claudia writes one last letter to her academic advisor, thanking her for her support.

Translation (2): Claudia le escribe una última carta a su consejero académico, agradeciéndole por su apoyo.

Panel 2: Claudia taking a capsule from Hiram in his shipboard lab.

Hiram (3): It has been recalibrated…

Translation (3): La recalibramos…

Claudia (4): And if you got it wrong this time, I swear I will return from my watery grave and drag you back down with me.

Translation (4): Y si te equivocas esta vez, te juro que regresaré de mi tumba acuática y te arrastraré conmigo.

Panel 3: Claudia walking down a narrow ship’s corridor, with Turpentine behind her.

Turpentine (5): We cannot emphasize enough how much your sacrifice is appreciated, Dr. Honeywood…

Translation (5): Me sobran las palabras para expresar cuánto agradecemos tu sacrificio, Dra. Honeywood…

Claudia (6): Kindly go fuck yourself, Eustace.

Translation (6): Hazme el favor de irte a la mierda, Eustace.

Panel 4: Claudia walking out on deck. She’s fully clothed, wearing the same skirt and button-down blouse combination she was wearing when she came aboard the RV Seagoon. A few sailors with hang-dog expressions look on.

Claudia (7): You all are going to have to get your peep-show somewhere else today.

Translation (7): Tendrán que conseguir su espectáculo erótico en otro lugar hoy.

  Carnada (Español/Versión de página larga)
Carnada (Español/Versión deslizante)

Aprender español LXIX: Carnada 068

Las carreras profesionales son solo para gente cooperativa.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 68 (Four panels)

Panel 1: An imagined future panel showing Claudia carrying a cardboard box of her possessions out of an office building, escorted by a pair of security guards.

CAPTION – CLAUDIA NARRATING (1): I’ll be blackballed everywhere. My hard-earned career in science will be over.

Translation (1): Me rechazarán en todas partes. Mi carrera como científica, que tanto esfuerzo me ha costado, habrá terminado.

CAPTION – CLAUDIA NARRATING (2): That’s how things work, especially since the advent of the latest…administration.

Comment (2): “Administration” here is a way of suggesting “presidential administration,” which is that the government of the United States is culturally retrograde, probably biased against the interests of professional women and in favor of those of the very rich.

Translation (2): Así es como funcionan las cosas, especialmente desde la llegada de la última… administración.

Panel 2: Claudia back in the galley, brushing a strand of hair our of her eyes.

Claudia (3): And while I might not have Daphne Bosselseg’s heroic attitude about such matters, just like her, I am sure I’d rather be dead than spend a lifetime eking out a living in the twenty first-century service economy.

Translation (3): Y aunque no tenga la actitud heroica de Daphne Bosselseg para con estos asuntos, al igual que ella, estoy segura de que preferiría estar muerta antes que pasar el resto de mis días ganándome la vida en la economía de servicio del siglo veintiuno.

Panel 3: Claudia taking a sip of coffee.

Unseen interviewer (out-of-panel balloon) (4): You’re not seriously thinking of giving in to them, are you?

Translation (4): No estarás pensando seriamente en rendirte ante ellos, ¿o sí?

Claudia (5): Well, why not?

Translation (5): Bueno, ¿por qué no?

Panel 4: Claudia making a forced smile.

Claudia (6): Feed lots of hungry children, buy lots of mosquito nets, get my name on an eldritch horror…

Translation (6): Podría alimentar a muchos niños hambrientos, comprar un montón de mosquiteros, darle mi nombre a un monstruo famoso…

Claudia (7): And go out with a real bang.

Translation (7): Y cerrar con broche de oro.

  Carnada (Español/Versión de página larga)
Carnada (Español/Versión deslizante)

Aprender español LXVIII: Carnada 067

Cuando todo lo demás fracasa, acude a la televisión.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

PAGE 67 (Four panels)

Panel 1: Claudia sitting alone in the ship’s galley with a cup of coffee, which she is staring at pensively.

CAPTION – PSEUDO-NARRATION (1): After a few days’ standoff, Claudia agrees to speak with us, but not with the ship’s crew.

Translation (1): Después de unos días de estancamiento, Claudia acepta hablar con nosotros, pero no con la tripulación del barco.

Panel 2: Closer-in on Claudia.

Claudia (2): The problem is that they’re right. Aside from their two volunteers, I’m the only one they can access in time. There are other women, but they don’t know the right protocols.

Translation (2): El problema es que tienen razón. Aparte de sus dos voluntarias, soy la única con la que pueden contar a tiempo. Hay otras mujeres, pero no conocen los protocolos correctos.

Panel 3: Claudia looking to one side, holding her cup of coffee between her two hands.

Claudia (3): It won’t be other people’s fuckups that anyone will remember. What everyone will remember will be that bitch who wouldn’t play ball and disappointed a very rich man.

Translation (3): Nadie no recordará el fracaso de otras personas. Todos recordarán a una perra que no quiso cooperar y decepcionó a un hombre muy rico.

Panel 4: Claudia looking down into her coffee cup.

Claudia (4): Like it or not, that’s how people will see it.

Translation (4): Nos guste o no, así es como lo verá la gente.

  Carnada (Español/Versión de página larga)
Carnada (Español/Versión deslizante)